John Michael Montgomery
Lucky Arms

He's got lucky arms
He gets to hold her
The way I know I never will again
They're dancing close
With her head on his shoulder
Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him

They don't see me standing in these shadows
She don't know how bad my heart still aches
He's holding on to everything I let go
Sure is making good off my mistakes

He's got lucky arms
He gets to hold her
The way I know I never will again
They're dancing close
With her head on his shoulder
Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him

Before too long the music will stop playing
He'll take her hand and then he'll take her home
And I can just imagine what he's saying
The way he's smiling I can tell he knows

He's got lucky arms
He gets to hold her
The way I know I never will again
They're dancing close
With her head on his shoulder
Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him
Lucky arms, lucky heart
He ought to thank his lucky stars
Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him

Mirror lyrics:

Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him
He ought to thank his lucky stars
Lucky arms, lucky heart
Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him
With her head on his shoulder
They're dancing close
The way I know I never will again
He gets to hold her
He's got lucky arms

The way he's smiling I can tell he knows
And I can just imagine what he's saying
He'll take her hand and then he'll take her home
Before too long the music will stop playing

Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him
With her head on his shoulder
They're dancing close
The way I know I never will again
He gets to hold her
He's got lucky arms

Sure is making good off my mistakes
He's holding on to everything I let go
She don't know how bad my heart still aches
They don't see me standing in these shadows

Lucky arms, lucky heart, lucky him
With her head on his shoulder
They're dancing close
The way I know I never will again
He gets to hold her
He's got lucky arms

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Lpucky Asrms Luucky wrms Lcky wArms Lcuky Awrms Lhcky xrms Lhucky xArms Luhcky Axrms L7cky Arrms L7ucky Ams Lu7cky Amrs Lkcky Adms
Adrms Lukcky Ardms Licky A4ms Liucky A4rms Luicky Ar4ms L8cky Agms L8ucky Agrms Lu8cky Argms Ljcky Atms Ljucky Atrms Lujcky Artms
Lycky A5ms Lyucky A5rms Luycky Ar5ms Luccky Afms Luky Afrms Lukcy Arfms Lufky Aems Lufcky Aerms Lucfky Arems Luxky Armms Luxcky Ars
Lucxky Arsm Luvky Arjs

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