John Michael Montgomery
All In My Heart

I sit here tonight
And look in your eyes
For that old familiar flame
That love that burns
Makes my wolrd turn
Two hearts beating the same
Is it all in my mind
Or is it harder to find
I feel like I'm in the dark
I thought it was real
But I'm starting to feel
Like it must be all in my heart

I'm a fool for believing
But I just keep dreaming
While we just keep drifting apart
Trying to make something
Where there's really nothing
I guess it's all in my heart

I keep telling myself
There's something else
I could do
To find that spark
But wherever it lies
It's not in your eyes
I guess it's all in my heart

I'm a fool for believing
But I just keep dreaming
While we just keep drifting apart
Trying to make something
Where there's really nothing
I guess it's all in my heart
Just trying to make something
Where there's really nothing
I guess it's all in my heart

Mirror lyrics:

I guess it's all in my heart
Where there's really nothing
Just trying to make something
I guess it's all in my heart
Where there's really nothing
Trying to make something
While we just keep drifting apart
But I just keep dreaming
I'm a fool for believing

I guess it's all in my heart
It's not in your eyes
But wherever it lies
To find that spark
I could do
There's something else
I keep telling myself

I guess it's all in my heart
Where there's really nothing
Trying to make something
While we just keep drifting apart
But I just keep dreaming
I'm a fool for believing

Like it must be all in my heart
But I'm starting to feel
I thought it was real
I feel like I'm in the dark
Or is it harder to find
Is it all in my mind
Two hearts beating the same
Makes my wolrd turn
That love that burns
For that old familiar flame
And look in your eyes
I sit here tonight

Relevant Tags:
AAll IIn MMy HHeart ll n y eart lAl nI yM eHart zll jn jy jeart zAll jIn jMy jHeart Azll Ijn Mjy Hjeart qll 9n ky ueart
qAll 9In kMy uHeart Aqll I9n Mky Hueart sll ln ny neart sAll lIn nMy nHeart Asll Iln Mny Hneart wll on Myy beart wAll oIn M bHeart
Awll Ion My Hbeart xll kn Mg geart xAll kIn Mgy gHeart Axll Ikn Myg Hgeart Alll 8n Mh yeart Al 8In Mhy yHeart All I8n Myh Hyeart
Akl un M6 Heeart Akll uIn M6y Hart Alkl Iun My6 Haert Aol Inn Mu Hsart Aoll I Muy Hseart Alol In Myu Hesart Apl Im M7 H3art
Apll Imn M7y H3eart Alpl Inm My7 He3art Ih Mj Hfart Ihn Hfeart Inh Myj Hefart Alk Ij Mt Hrart Mty Hreart
Allk Inj Myt Herart Alo Ib H4art Ibn H4eart Allo Inb He4art Alp Hdart Hdeart Allp Hedart
Hwart Hweart Hewart Heaart Hert Herat Hezrt
Hezart Heazrt Heqrt

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