John Prine
We Must Have Been Out Of Our Minds

We said our goodbyes long ago
Never thinking we'd miss each other so
All the memories we can't leave behind
Oh, we must have been out of our minds

I thought I loved another, not you
How foolish I thought the same, too
They both turned out to be the wrong kind
Oh, we must have been out of our minds

Let's forgive and forget the past we've known
And reap together the wild seeds we've sown
Surely they can forgive us and find
That we must have been out of our minds

I thought I loved another, not you
How foolish I thought the same, too
They both turned out to be the wrong kind
Oh, we must have been out of our minds
Yes, we must have been out of our minds

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, we must have been out of our minds
Oh, we must have been out of our minds
They both turned out to be the wrong kind
How foolish I thought the same, too
I thought I loved another, not you

That we must have been out of our minds
Surely they can forgive us and find
And reap together the wild seeds we've sown
Let's forgive and forget the past we've known

Oh, we must have been out of our minds
They both turned out to be the wrong kind
How foolish I thought the same, too
I thought I loved another, not you

Oh, we must have been out of our minds
All the memories we can't leave behind
Never thinking we'd miss each other so
We said our goodbyes long ago

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WWe MMust HHave BBeen OOut OOf OOur MMinds e ust ave een ut f ur inds eW uMst aHve eBen uOt fO uOr iMnds ae just jave veen kut kf kur jinds aWe jMust jHave vBeen kOut kOf kOur jMinds
Wae Mjust Hjave Bveen Okut Okf Okur Mjinds 3e kust uave geen 9ut 9f 9ur kinds 3We kMust uHave gBeen 9Out 9Of 9Our kMinds W3e Mkust Huave Bgeen O9ut O9f O9ur Mkinds de nust nave neen 0ut 0f 0ur ninds
dWe nMust nHave nBeen 0Out 0Of 0Our nMinds Wde Mnust Hnave Bneen O0ut O0f O0ur Mninds ee Muust bave heen lut lf lur Miinds eWe Mst bHave hBeen lOut lOf lOur Mnds Wee Msut Hbave Bheen Olut Olf Olur Mnids
se Mhst gave Beeen iut if iur Mjnds sWe Mhust gHave Ben iOut iOf iOur Wse Muhst Hgave Been Oiut Oif Oiur Mijnds 2e M7st yave Bsen Ouut Off Ouur M9nds 2We M7ust yHave Bseen Ot O Or M9inds
W2e Mu7st Hyave Besen Otu Of Oru Mi9nds qe Mkst Haave B3en Oht Oc Ohr Mlnds qWe Hve B3een Ohut Ocf Ohur Mlinds Wqe Mukst Hvae Be3en Ouht Ofc Ouhr Milnds Mist Hzve Bfen O7t Or O7r Monds
W Miust Hzave Bfeen O7ut Orf O7ur Moinds We Muist Hazve Befen Ou7t Ofr Ou7r Mionds Ws M8st Hqve Bren Okt Og Okr Mknds M8ust Hqave Breen Ogf Wes Mu8st Haqve Beren Oukt Ofg Oukr Miknds
W3 Mjst Hsve B4en Oit Ot Oir M8nds Hsave B4een Otf M8inds We3 Mujst Hasve Be4en Ouit Oft Ouir Mi8nds Wf Myst Hwve Bden O8t Ov O8r Munds Wfe Myust Hwave Bdeen O8ut Ovf O8ur Muinds
Wef Muyst Hawve Beden Ou8t Ofv Ou8r Miunds Wr Musst Hxve Bwen Ojt Od Ojr Minnds Wre Mut Hxave Bween Ojut Odf Ojur Mids Wer Muts Haxve Bewen Oujt Ofd Oujr Midns W4 Muzt Havve Oyt Oyr Mimds
W4e Muzst Hae Oyut Oyur Mimnds We4 Muszt Haev Bene Ouyt Ouyr Minmds Wd Muwt Habe Besn Outt Ourr Mihds

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