Close To You

they say that love will never last, i really

thought so in the past, it didn't last

I always ways the last to know, but now

I'm going with the flow, i have to know

close to you, close to you, I don't want

to think it thru

close to you, close to you, all my

dreams are coming true

close to you, close to you, all my

dreams are coming true, they're

coming true

I never used to have a doubt, nothing

was waiting to come out, but now I


they say that love is never blind, but

now i think I lost my mind, I'm going


Mirror lyrics:


now i think I lost my mind, I'm going

they say that love is never blind, but


was waiting to come out, but now I

I never used to have a doubt, nothing

coming true

dreams are coming true, they're

close to you, close to you, all my

dreams are coming true

close to you, close to you, all my

to think it thru

close to you, close to you, I don't want

I'm going with the flow, i have to know

I always ways the last to know, but now

thought so in the past, it didn't last

they say that love will never last, i really

Relevant Tags:
CClose TTo YYou lose o ou lCose oT oYu flose fo gou fClose fTo gYou Cflose Tfo Ygou xlose 5o hou xClose 5To hYou Cxlose T5o Yhou
vlose ho 6ou vClose hTo 6You Cvlose Tho Y6ou dlose yo uou dClose yTo uYou Cdlose Tyo Yuou Cllose 6o 7ou Cose 6To 7You Colse T6o Y7ou
Ckose go jou Cklose gTo jYou Clkose Tgo Yjou Coose ro tou Colose rTo tYou Cloose Tro Ytou Cpose Too Yoou Cplose T Yu Clpose To Yuo
Tk Yku Clse Tko Ykou Clsoe Tok Yoku Clkse T9 Y9u T9o Y9ou Clokse To9 Yo9u Cl9se T0 Y0u Cl9ose T0o Y0ou Clo9se To0 Yo0u
Cl0se Tl Ylu Cl0ose Tlo Ylou Clo0se Tol Yolu Cllse Ti Yiu Tio Yiou Clolse Toi Yoiu

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