John Anderson
Takin' The Country Back

Goin' down to muscle shoals where the swamp water rhythm flows
Live the only way I know I'm just a common man
Headed down to Texas way where the honky-tonk heroes play
Gonna find that lost highway that's where I'll make a stand

Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks, we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back we're not sure just where it's at
We've got to get it back on track, we're takin' the country back

Bright lights and limousines fame and fortune I have seen
Still searchin' for that dream it's callin' me back home
Down to earth where the music's real singin' 'bout what the people feel
Timeless truth now that's the deal we got to pass in on y'all

Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks, we're takin' the country back

Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks, we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts
We're not sure where we're taking but we're takin' the country back

Takin' the country back it's high time we face the facts
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks we're takin' the country back
We're takin' the country back, takin' the country on back

Mirror lyrics:

We're takin' the country back, takin' the country on back
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back it's high time we face the facts

We're not sure where we're taking but we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks, we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts

Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks, we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts

Timeless truth now that's the deal we got to pass in on y'all
Down to earth where the music's real singin' 'bout what the people feel
Still searchin' for that dream it's callin' me back home
Bright lights and limousines fame and fortune I have seen

We've got to get it back on track, we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back we're not sure just where it's at
Heart and soul slippin' through the cracks, we're takin' the country back
Takin' the country back, it's high time we face the facts

Gonna find that lost highway that's where I'll make a stand
Headed down to Texas way where the honky-tonk heroes play
Live the only way I know I'm just a common man
Goin' down to muscle shoals where the swamp water rhythm flows

Relevant Tags:
TTakin' TThe CCountry BBack akin' he ountry ack aTkin' hTe oCuntry aBck fakin' fhe fountry vack fTakin' fThe fCountry vBack Tfakin' Tfhe Cfountry Bvack
5akin' 5he xountry gack 5Takin' 5The xCountry gBack T5akin' T5he Cxountry Bgack hakin' hhe vountry nack hTakin' hThe vCountry nBack Thakin' Thhe Cvountry Bnack
yakin' yhe dountry hack yTakin' yThe dCountry hBack Tyakin' Tyhe Cdountry Bhack 6akin' 6he Coountry Baack 6Takin' 6The Cuntry Bck T6akin' T6he Cuontry Bcak
gakin' ghe Ckuntry Bzck gTakin' gThe Ckountry Bzack Tgakin' Tghe Cokuntry Bazck rakin' rhe C9untry Bqck rTakin' rThe C9ountry Bqack Trakin' Trhe Co9untry Baqck
Taakin' C0untry Bsck Tkin' Te C0ountry Bsack Tkain' Teh Co0untry Basck Tzkin' Tje Cluntry Bwck Tzakin' Tjhe Clountry Bwack Tazkin' Thje Coluntry Bawck
Tqkin' Tue Ciuntry Bxck Tqakin' Tuhe Ciountry Bxack Taqkin' Thue Coiuntry Baxck Tskin' Tne Couuntry Bacck Tsakin' Tnhe Contry Bak Taskin' Thne Conutry Bakc
Twkin' Tbe Cohntry Bafk Twakin' Tbhe Cohuntry Bafck Tawkin' Thbe Couhntry Bacfk Txkin' Tge Co7ntry Baxk Txakin' Co7untry Taxkin' Thge Cou7ntry Bacxk
Takkin' Tye Cokntry Bavk Tain' Bavck Taikn' Thye Coukntry Bacvk Talin' Thee Cointry Badk Talkin' Th Badck Taklin' The Couintry Bacdk
Taoin' Ths Co8ntry Backk Taokin' Thse Co8untry Bac Takoin' Thes Cou8ntry Back Tamin' Th3 Cojntry Bacl Tamkin' Th3e Cojuntry Baclk Takmin' The3 Coujntry Backl
Tajin' Thf Coyntry Baco Tajkin' Thfe Coyuntry Bacok Takjin' Thef Couyntry Backo Taiin' Thr Counntry Bacm Taikin' Thre Coutry Bacmk Takiin' Ther Coutnry Backm
Th4 Coumtry Bacj Takn' Th4e Coumntry Bacjk Takni' The4 Counmtry Backj Takjn' Thd Couhtry Baci Thde Bacik Takijn' Thed Counhtry Backi

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