Joe Nichols
If I Could Only Fly

I almost felt you touching me just now
I wish I knew which way to turn and go
I feel so good and then then I feel so bad
I wonder what I ought to do

If I could only fly, if I could only fly
I'd bid this place goodbye to come and be with you
But I can hardly stand and I got nowhere to run
Another sinking sun and one more lonely night

The wind keeps blowing somewhere everyday
Tell me things get better, somewhere, up the way
Just dismal thinking on a dismal day
And the sad songs for us to bare

If I could only fly, if I could only fly
I'd bid this place goodbye to come and be with you

You know sometimes I write happy songs
Then some little thing goes wrong
I wish they all could make you smile

Coming home soon and I wanna stay
Maybe we could somehow get away
And I wish you could come with me when I go again

If I could only fly, if we could only fly
I'd bid this place goodbye to come and be with you
But I can hardly stand and I got nowhere to run
Another sinking sun and no more lonely nights

Mirror lyrics:

Another sinking sun and no more lonely nights
But I can hardly stand and I got nowhere to run
I'd bid this place goodbye to come and be with you
If I could only fly, if we could only fly

And I wish you could come with me when I go again
Maybe we could somehow get away
Coming home soon and I wanna stay

I wish they all could make you smile
Then some little thing goes wrong
You know sometimes I write happy songs

I'd bid this place goodbye to come and be with you
If I could only fly, if I could only fly

And the sad songs for us to bare
Just dismal thinking on a dismal day
Tell me things get better, somewhere, up the way
The wind keeps blowing somewhere everyday

Another sinking sun and one more lonely night
But I can hardly stand and I got nowhere to run
I'd bid this place goodbye to come and be with you
If I could only fly, if I could only fly

I wonder what I ought to do
I feel so good and then then I feel so bad
I wish I knew which way to turn and go
I almost felt you touching me just now

Relevant Tags:
IIf II CCould OOnly FFly f ould nly ly fI I oCuld nOly lFy jf j fould knly cly jIf jI fCould kOnly cFly Ijf Ij Cfould Oknly Fcly
9f 9 xould 9nly rly 9If 9I xCould 9Only rFly I9f I9 Cxould O9nly Frly lf l vould 0nly gly lIf lI vCould 0Only gFly Ilf Il Cvould O0nly Fgly
of o dould lnly tly oIf oI dCould lOnly tFly Iof Io Cdould Olnly Ftly kf k Coould inly vly kIf kI Culd iOnly vFly Ikf Ik Cuold Oinly Fvly
8f 8 Ckuld Onnly dly 8If 8I Ckould Oly dFly I8f I8 Cokuld Olny Fdly uf u C9uld Omly Flly uIf uI C9ould Omnly Fy Iuf Iu Co9uld Onmly Fyl
Iff C0uld Ohly Fky I C0ould Ohnly Fkly If Co0uld Onhly Flky Ic Cluld Ojly Foy Icf Clould Ojnly Foly Ifc Coluld Onjly Floy
Ir Ciuld Obly Fpy Irf Ciould Obnly Fply Ifr Coiuld Onbly Flpy Ig Couuld Onlly Flyy Igf Cold Ony Fl Ifg Colud Onyl Fly
It Cohld Onky Flg Itf Cohuld Onkly Flgy Ift Couhld Onlky Flyg Iv Co7ld Onoy Flh Ivf Co7uld Onoly Flhy Ifv Cou7ld Onloy Flyh
Id Cokld Onpy Fl6 Idf Onply Fl6y

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