Joe Ely
Sleepless In Love

He had hair... black as a fiberglass speedboat
The morning air... was crisp as a brand new bank note
He swaggered... like a surfer on a Louisiana dirtbike
He swerved... like a trucker on the Dallas Turnpike

They were SLEEPLESS IN LOVE, they were Lovers
They were lovers, SLEEPLESS IN LOVE

She had eyes, bright as a sunlit Airstream
She told no lies, she hardly ever had a bad dream
She was calm... still as a July Willow
She was tender... soft as a K Mart Pillow

They were SLEEPLESS IN LOVE, they were Lovers
They were lovers, SLEEPLESS IN LOVE

He held her close, tight as a Harley's drive chain
Like a rose, riding on a midnight freight train
They shivered, like the streamers in a gypsy car lot
They melted, like rain on an Irish rooftop

They went crazy, crazy as a the wild wild west wind
When it chases a tumbleweed with too much top-spin
They made love like, wild horses in a hurricane
Chasing rainbows in a souped-up silver seaplane!

Repeat Chorus twice

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus twice

Chasing rainbows in a souped-up silver seaplane!
They made love like, wild horses in a hurricane
When it chases a tumbleweed with too much top-spin
They went crazy, crazy as a the wild wild west wind

They melted, like rain on an Irish rooftop
They shivered, like the streamers in a gypsy car lot
Like a rose, riding on a midnight freight train
He held her close, tight as a Harley's drive chain

They were lovers, SLEEPLESS IN LOVE
They were SLEEPLESS IN LOVE, they were Lovers

She was tender... soft as a K Mart Pillow
She was calm... still as a July Willow
She told no lies, she hardly ever had a bad dream
She had eyes, bright as a sunlit Airstream

They were lovers, SLEEPLESS IN LOVE
They were SLEEPLESS IN LOVE, they were Lovers

He swerved... like a trucker on the Dallas Turnpike
He swaggered... like a surfer on a Louisiana dirtbike
The morning air... was crisp as a brand new bank note
He had hair... black as a fiberglass speedboat

Relevant Tags:
SSleepless IIn LLove leepless n ove lSeepless nI oLve zleepless jn kove zSleepless jIn kLove Szleepless Ijn Lkove
wleepless 9n oove wSleepless 9In oLove Swleepless I9n Loove dleepless ln pove dSleepless lIn pLove Sdleepless Iln Lpove
eleepless on eSleepless oIn Lve Seleepless Ion Lvoe xleepless kn Lkve xSleepless kIn Sxleepless Ikn Lokve
aleepless 8n L9ve aSleepless 8In L9ove Saleepless I8n Lo9ve Slleepless un L0ve Seepless uIn L0ove Selepless Iun Lo0ve
Skeepless Inn Llve Skleepless I Llove Slkeepless In Lolve Soeepless Im Live Soleepless Imn Liove Sloeepless Inm Loive
Speepless Ih Lovve Spleepless Ihn Loe Slpeepless Inh Loev Sleeepless Ij Lobe Slepless Lobve Sleepless Inj Lovbe
Slsepless Ib Loce Slseepless Ibn Locve Slesepless Inb Lovce Sl3epless Loge Sl3eepless Logve Sle3epless Lovge
Slfepless Lofe Slfeepless Lofve Slefepless Lovfe Slrepless Lovee Slreepless Lov Slerepless Love
Sl4epless Lovs Sl4eepless Lovse Sle4epless Loves Sldepless Lov3 Sldeepless Lov3e Sledepless Love3
Slwepless Lovf Slweepless Slewepless Lovef Lovr Lovre Slepeless Lover
Slespless Lov4 Lov4e Sleespless Love4 Sle3pless Lovd Lovde Slee3pless Loved
Slefpless Lovw Lovwe Sleefpless Lovew Slerpless Sleerpless Sle4pless

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