Joe Ely
Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine drove a red Continental
With a headlight out and a dent in the side
He swore it wasn't his, it was only a rental
But he drove it every single night

Saint Valentine wore shades and a cowboy hat
He looked straight outta Lonesome Dove
You never saw his eyes but you knew down deep inside
He was longin' for a long lost love

The original lover had a broken heart
To the ground his blood did flow
And for every drop that touch the earth
A red, red rose did grow

Saint Valentine ate pizza every Monday night
And chased it with Johnny Walker Black
The waitresses would stare but he just didn't care
He just wanted his lover back

Saint Valentine wore a T-shirt of the Virgin Madonna
With the sleeves cut out and a tear through the heart
He wore it like a shield to protect his pride and honor
He was tired of livin' so far apart

The original lover had a broken heart
To the ground his blood did flow
And for every drop that touch the earth
A red, red rose did grow

Saint Valentine would circle the shoppin' center mall
With his radio wailin' the blues
He'd park outside the door of the video store
Like he was one of the chosen few

Saint Valentine drove a red Continental
With a headlight out and a dent in the side
He swore it wasn't real, it was only mental
But he drove it every single night

The original lover had a broken heart
To the ground his blood did flow
And for every drop that touch the earth
A red, red rose did grow

Mirror lyrics:

A red, red rose did grow
And for every drop that touch the earth
To the ground his blood did flow
The original lover had a broken heart

But he drove it every single night
He swore it wasn't real, it was only mental
With a headlight out and a dent in the side
Saint Valentine drove a red Continental

Like he was one of the chosen few
He'd park outside the door of the video store
With his radio wailin' the blues
Saint Valentine would circle the shoppin' center mall

A red, red rose did grow
And for every drop that touch the earth
To the ground his blood did flow
The original lover had a broken heart

He was tired of livin' so far apart
He wore it like a shield to protect his pride and honor
With the sleeves cut out and a tear through the heart
Saint Valentine wore a T-shirt of the Virgin Madonna

He just wanted his lover back
The waitresses would stare but he just didn't care
And chased it with Johnny Walker Black
Saint Valentine ate pizza every Monday night

A red, red rose did grow
And for every drop that touch the earth
To the ground his blood did flow
The original lover had a broken heart

He was longin' for a long lost love
You never saw his eyes but you knew down deep inside
He looked straight outta Lonesome Dove
Saint Valentine wore shades and a cowboy hat

But he drove it every single night
He swore it wasn't his, it was only a rental
With a headlight out and a dent in the side
Saint Valentine drove a red Continental

Relevant Tags:
SSaint VValentine aint alentine aSint aVlentine zaint balentine zSaint bValentine Szaint Vbalentine waint calentine
wSaint cValentine Swaint Vcalentine daint galentine dSaint gValentine Sdaint Vgalentine eaint falentine eSaint fValentine
Seaint Vfalentine xaint Vaalentine xSaint Vlentine Sxaint Vlaentine aaint Vzlentine aSaint Vzalentine Saaint Vazlentine
Vqlentine Sint Vqalentine Siant Vaqlentine Szint Vslentine Vsalentine Sazint Vaslentine Sqint Vwlentine
Sqaint Vwalentine Saqint Vawlentine Ssint Vxlentine Ssaint Vxalentine Sasint Vaxlentine Swint Vallentine Vaentine
Sawint Vaelntine Sxint Vakentine Vaklentine Saxint Valkentine Saiint Vaoentine Sant Vaolentine Sanit Valoentine
Sajnt Vapentine Sajint Vaplentine Saijnt Valpentine Sa9nt Valeentine Sa9int Valntine Sai9nt Valnetine Salnt Valsntine
Salint Valsentine Sailnt Valesntine Saont Val3ntine Saoint Val3entine Saiont Vale3ntine Saknt Valfntine Sakint Valfentine
Saiknt Valefntine Sa8nt Valrntine Sa8int Valrentine Sai8nt Valerntine Saunt Val4ntine Sauint Val4entine Saiunt Vale4ntine
Sainnt Valdntine Sait Valdentine Saitn Valedntine Saimt Valwntine Saimnt Valwentine Sainmt Valewntine Saiht Valenntine
Saihnt Valetine Sainht Valetnine Saijt Valemtine Valemntine Sainjt Valenmtine Saibt Valehtine Saibnt Valehntine
Sainbt Valenhtine Saintt Valejtine Sain Valejntine Saint Valenjtine Sainf Valebtine Sainft Valebntine Saintf Valenbtine
Sain5 Valenttine

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