Joe Ely
That's Why I Love You Like I Do

Because you walked - that lonesome valley
Because I met - you in your town
Because you saw - stars in the alley
Because the street - light, you, did crown

Because I saw - you lift your head
Because you knew - I was watching you
Because there was - nothing to be said
Thats why I love - you like I do

I am a stranger to the others
No one knows - you like I do
To the Great Beyond -There is no farther
Thats why I love - you like I do...

Because I asked - if you were cold
Because the wind - had changed that day
Because you needed - a hand to hold
Because I saw - it in your face

Because you knew - I needed laughter
Because it heals - the wounded fool
Because you saw - the near hereafter
Thats why I love - you like I do

I am a stranger to the others
No one knows - you like I do
To the Great Beyond -There is no farther
Thats why I love - you like I do...

Because the charms - You thought youd hidden
In spite of pride, - Came shinin thru
Because you knew - that I was not kiddin
When I said that I -- could see through you

Because I knew - that you had diamonds
Inside youre soul - where the wild winds blew
Because I thought -- I was a miner
Thats why I love - you like I do

I am a stranger to the others
No one knows - you like I do
To the Great Beyond -There is no farther
Thats why I love - you like I do...

Mirror lyrics:

Thats why I love - you like I do...
To the Great Beyond -There is no farther
No one knows - you like I do
I am a stranger to the others

Thats why I love - you like I do
Because I thought -- I was a miner
Inside youre soul - where the wild winds blew
Because I knew - that you had diamonds

When I said that I -- could see through you
Because you knew - that I was not kiddin
In spite of pride, - Came shinin thru
Because the charms - You thought youd hidden

Thats why I love - you like I do...
To the Great Beyond -There is no farther
No one knows - you like I do
I am a stranger to the others

Thats why I love - you like I do
Because you saw - the near hereafter
Because it heals - the wounded fool
Because you knew - I needed laughter

Because I saw - it in your face
Because you needed - a hand to hold
Because the wind - had changed that day
Because I asked - if you were cold

Thats why I love - you like I do...
To the Great Beyond -There is no farther
No one knows - you like I do
I am a stranger to the others

Thats why I love - you like I do
Because there was - nothing to be said
Because you knew - I was watching you
Because I saw - you lift your head

Because the street - light, you, did crown
Because you saw - stars in the alley
Because I met - you in your town
Because you walked - that lonesome valley

Relevant Tags:
TThat's WWhy II LLove YYou LLike II DDo hat's hy ove ou ike o hTat's hWy I oLve oYu iLke I oD fhat's ahy j kove gou kike j xo fThat's aWhy jI kLove gYou kLike jI xDo
Tfhat's Wahy Ij Lkove Ygou Lkike Ij Dxo 5hat's 3hy 9 oove hou oike 9 eo 5That's 3Why 9I oLove hYou oLike 9I eDo T5hat's W3hy I9 Loove Yhou Loike I9 Deo hhat's dhy l pove 6ou pike l fo
hThat's dWhy lI pLove 6You pLike lI fDo Thhat's Wdhy Il Lpove Y6ou Lpike Il Dfo yhat's ehy o uou Liike o ro yThat's eWhy oI Lve uYou Lke oI rDo Tyhat's Wehy Io Lvoe Yuou Lkie Io Dro
6hat's shy k Lkve 7ou Ljke k co 6That's sWhy kI 7You Ljike kI cDo T6hat's Wshy Ik Lokve Y7ou Lijke Ik Dco ghat's 2hy 8 L9ve jou L9ke 8 so gThat's 2Why 8I L9ove jYou L9ike 8I sDo
Tghat's W2hy I8 Lo9ve Yjou Li9ke I8 Dso rhat's qhy u L0ve tou Llke u Doo rThat's qWhy uI L0ove tYou Llike uI D Trhat's Wqhy Iu Lo0ve Ytou Lilke Iu Do Whhy Llve Yoou Loke Dk
Tat's Wy Llove Yu Dko Taht's Wyh Lolve Yuo Lioke Dok Tjat's Wjy Live Yku Lkke D9 Tjhat's Wjhy Liove Ykou D9o Thjat's Whjy Loive Yoku Likke Do9
Tuat's Wuy Lovve Y9u L8ke D0 Tuhat's Wuhy Loe Y9ou L8ike D0o Thuat's Whuy Loev Yo9u Li8ke Do0 Tnat's Wny Lobe Y0u Luke Dl Tnhat's Wnhy Lobve Y0ou Luike Dlo
Thnat's Whny Lovbe Yo0u Liuke Dol Tbat's Wby Loce Ylu Di Tbhat's Wbhy Locve Ylou Lie Dio Thbat's Whby Lovce Yolu Liek Doi Tgat's Wgy Loge Yiu Lile
Wghy Logve Yiou Thgat's Whgy Lovge Yoiu Likle Tyat's Wyy Lofe Youu Lioe Wyhy Lofve Yo Thyat's Whyy Lovfe You Likoe
Thaat's Lovee Yoh Lime Tht's Wh Lov Yohu Limke Thta's Why Love Youh Likme Thzt's Whg Lovs Yo7 Lije Thzat's Lovse Yo7u
Thazt's Whyg Loves You7 Likje Thqt's Whh Lov3 Yok Liie Thqat's Lov3e Thaqt's Whyh Love3 Youk Likie

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