Joe Ely
I'll Be Your Fool

I'll be your fool. I'll be your lovin' loser,
I'll be your ridicule
I'll be the one you make fun of
When all your plans fall through.
Because you shure need a fool

I'm not alone. I've seen the one's you run to
I've known the ones you've known
I've seen the ones you come to
When you leave your happy home
No, I'm not alone.

All Fools must fall. Some of them get up again
Some are made to crawl
Some of them hang on a limb
Some sit on the wall
But all fools must fall.

But before I fall
I'll run right down your narrow hall
And warn your other gentlemen
Yeah, before I fall
I'll stand up on your garden wall
Faithful 'til then.

I'll be your fool. I'll be your lovin' loser,
I'll be your ridicule
I'll be the one you make fun of
When all your plans fall through.
Because you shure need a fool
You shure need a fool

Mirror lyrics:

You shure need a fool
Because you shure need a fool
When all your plans fall through.
I'll be the one you make fun of
I'll be your ridicule
I'll be your fool. I'll be your lovin' loser,

Faithful 'til then.
I'll stand up on your garden wall
Yeah, before I fall
And warn your other gentlemen
I'll run right down your narrow hall
But before I fall

But all fools must fall.
Some sit on the wall
Some of them hang on a limb
Some are made to crawl
All Fools must fall. Some of them get up again

No, I'm not alone.
When you leave your happy home
I've seen the ones you come to
I've known the ones you've known
I'm not alone. I've seen the one's you run to

Because you shure need a fool
When all your plans fall through.
I'll be the one you make fun of
I'll be your ridicule
I'll be your fool. I'll be your lovin' loser,

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBe YYour FFool 'll e our ool 'Ill eB oYur oFol j'll ve gour cool jI'll vBe gYour cFool Ij'll Bve Ygour Fcool
9'll ge hour rool 9I'll gBe hYour rFool I9'll Bge Yhour Frool l'll ne 6our gool lI'll nBe 6Your gFool Il'll Bne Y6our Fgool
o'll he uour tool oI'll hBe uYour tFool Io'll Bhe Yuour Ftool k'll Bee 7our vool kI'll B 7Your vFool Ik'll Be Y7our Fvool
8'll Bs jour dool 8I'll Bse jYour dFool I8'll Bes Yjour Fdool u'll B3 tour Foool uI'll B3e tYour Fol Iu'll Be3 Ytour Fool
I''ll Bf Yoour Fkol Ill Bfe Yur Fkool Il'l Bef Yuor Fokol I'lll Br Ykur F9ol I'l Bre Ykour F9ool I'll Ber Yokur Fo9ol
I'kl B4 Y9ur F0ol I'kll B4e Y9our F0ool I'lkl Be4 Yo9ur Fo0ol I'ol Bd Y0ur Flol I'oll Bde Y0our Flool I'lol Bed Yo0ur Folol
I'pl Bw Ylur Fiol I'pll Bwe Ylour Fiool I'lpl Bew Yolur Foiol Yiur Yiour Yoiur Folo
I'lk Youur Fokl Yor

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