Joe Ely
I Ain't Been Here Long

I Ain't Been Here Long
I ain't sung my song
But light the road and kiss me on my way
About leavin' I ain't strong
But darlin' before long
You'll close your eyes and kiss me home to stay

I rolled down under a fat sun
Just knowin' you're the one
The miles were taken from me for a while
But the one consolin' thought
That my wheels a spinnin' caught
Was the reasurance of your partin' smile.

I Ain't Been Here Long
I ain't sung my song
But light the road and kiss me on my way
About leavin' I ain't strong
But darlin' before long
You'll close your eyes and kiss me home to stay

Mirror lyrics:

You'll close your eyes and kiss me home to stay
But darlin' before long
About leavin' I ain't strong
But light the road and kiss me on my way
I ain't sung my song
I Ain't Been Here Long

Was the reasurance of your partin' smile.
That my wheels a spinnin' caught
But the one consolin' thought
The miles were taken from me for a while
Just knowin' you're the one
I rolled down under a fat sun

You'll close your eyes and kiss me home to stay
But darlin' before long
About leavin' I ain't strong
But light the road and kiss me on my way
I ain't sung my song
I Ain't Been Here Long

Relevant Tags:
II AAin't BBeen HHere LLong in't een ere ong I iAn't eBen eHre oLng j zin't veen jere kong jI zAin't vBeen jHere kLong Ij Azin't Bveen Hjere Lkong
9 qin't geen uere oong 9I qAin't gBeen uHere oLong I9 Aqin't Bgeen Huere Loong l sin't neen nere pong lI sAin't nBeen nHere pLong Il Asin't Bneen Hnere Lpong
o win't heen bere oI wAin't hBeen bHere Lng Io Awin't Bheen Hbere Lnog k xin't Beeen gere Lkng kI xAin't Ben gHere Ik Axin't Been Hgere Lokng
8 Aiin't Bsen yere L9ng 8I An't Bseen yHere L9ong I8 Ani't Besen Hyere Lo9ng u Ajn't B3en Heere L0ng uI Ajin't B3een Hre L0ong Iu Aijn't Be3en Hree Lo0ng
A9n't Bfen Hsre Llng A9in't Bfeen Hsere Llong Ai9n't Befen Hesre Lolng Aln't Bren H3re Ling Alin't Breen H3ere Liong Ailn't Beren He3re Loing
Aon't B4en Hfre Lonng Aoin't B4een Hfere Log Aion't Be4en Hefre Logn Akn't Bden Hrre Lomg Akin't Bdeen Hrere Lomng Aikn't Beden Herre Lonmg
A8n't Bwen H4re Lohg A8in't Bween H4ere Lohng Ai8n't Bewen He4re Lonhg Aun't Hdre Lojg Auin't Hdere Lojng Aiun't Bene Hedre Lonjg

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