Johnny Horton
The Jim Bridger Story

Once there was a mountain man who couldn't write his name
Yet he deserves the front row seat in History's Hall of Fame
He forgot more about the Indians than we will ever know
He spoke the language of the Sioux the Black Foot and the Crow.

(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high)
As long as there's the USA don't let his memory die
(That he was making history never once occured to him)
But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim.

--- Instrumental ---

He spoke with General Custer and said listen Yellow Hair
The Sioux are the great nation so treat 'em fair and square
Sit in on their war councils, don't laugh away their pride
But Custer didn't listen at Little Big Horn Custer died.

(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high)
As long as there's the USA don't let his memory die
(That he was making history never once occured to him)
But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim.

There's poems and there's legends that tell of Carson's fame
Yet compared to Jim Bridger Kit was civilized and tame
These words are straight from Carson's lips if you place that story by him
If there's a man who knows this God forsaken land it's Jim.

(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high)
As long as there's the USA don't let his memory die
(That he was making history never once occured to him)
But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim...

Mirror lyrics:

But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim...
(That he was making history never once occured to him)
As long as there's the USA don't let his memory die
(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high)

If there's a man who knows this God forsaken land it's Jim.
These words are straight from Carson's lips if you place that story by him
Yet compared to Jim Bridger Kit was civilized and tame
There's poems and there's legends that tell of Carson's fame

But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim.
(That he was making history never once occured to him)
As long as there's the USA don't let his memory die
(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high)

But Custer didn't listen at Little Big Horn Custer died.
Sit in on their war councils, don't laugh away their pride
The Sioux are the great nation so treat 'em fair and square
He spoke with General Custer and said listen Yellow Hair

--- Instrumental ---

But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim.
(That he was making history never once occured to him)
As long as there's the USA don't let his memory die
(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high)

He spoke the language of the Sioux the Black Foot and the Crow.
He forgot more about the Indians than we will ever know
Yet he deserves the front row seat in History's Hall of Fame
Once there was a mountain man who couldn't write his name

Relevant Tags:
TThe JJim BBridger SStory he im ridger tory hTe iJm rBidger tSory fhe kim vridger ztory fThe kJim vBridger zStory Tfhe Jkim Bvridger Sztory
5he iim gridger wtory 5The iJim gBridger wStory T5he Jiim Bgridger Swtory hhe mim nridger dtory hThe mJim nBridger dStory Thhe Jmim Bnridger Sdtory
yhe nim hridger etory yThe nJim hBridger eStory Tyhe Jnim Bhridger Setory 6he him Brridger xtory 6The hJim Bidger xStory T6he Jhim Birdger Sxtory
ghe uim Bdidger atory gThe uJim Bdridger aStory Tghe Juim Brdidger Satory rhe B4idger Sttory rThe Jm B4ridger Sory Trhe Jmi Br4idger Sotry
Jjm Bgidger Sfory Te Jjim Sftory Teh Jijm Brgidger Stfory Tje J9m Btidger S5ory Tjhe J9im Btridger S5tory Thje Ji9m Brtidger St5ory
Tue Jlm B5idger Shory Tuhe Jlim B5ridger Shtory Thue Jilm Br5idger Sthory Tne Jom Bfidger Syory Tnhe Joim Bfridger Sytory Thne Jiom Brfidger Styory
Tbe Jkm Beidger S6ory Tbhe Beridger S6tory Thbe Jikm Breidger St6ory Tge J8m Briidger Sgory J8im Brdger Sgtory Thge Ji8m Brdiger Stgory
Tye Jum Brjdger Srory Brjidger Srtory Thye Jium Brijdger Strory Thee Jimm Br9dger Stoory Th Ji Br9idger Stry The Jim Bri9dger Stroy
Ths Jij Brldger Stkry Thse Brlidger Stkory Thes Jimj Brildger Stokry Th3 Jik Brodger St9ry Th3e Broidger St9ory The3 Jimk Briodger Sto9ry
Thf Jin Brkdger St0ry Thfe Jinm Brkidger St0ory Thef Jimn Brikdger Sto0ry Thr Br8dger Stlry Thre Br8idger Stlory Ther Bri8dger Stolry
Th4 Brudger Stiry Th4e Bruidger Stiory The4 Briudger Stoiry Thd Briddger Storry Thde Briger Stoy Thed Brigder Stoyr
Thw Brixger Stody Thwe Brixdger Stodry Thew Bridxger Stordy Brieger Sto4y Briedger Sto4ry Brideger Stor4y
Brifger Stogy

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