Joe Bonamassa
When The Fire Hits The Sea

I'm no candle backing, blowin out in the wind
I'm no suffering like, the game I'm in
I'm no street walk, I got fire and brimstone
Sorry to disturb you, and your happy home

All bets are off now, when the fire hits the sea
I'm gonna lay it on you child, bring it all to me

I'm no penny pusher still have my pride
I did you wrong baby, took you for a ride
I'm no rosetta stone, I learned my lessons
By the way baby thankyou for the sessions

All bets are off now, when the fire hits the sea
I'm gonna lay it on you child, bring it all to me

I'm no cop you can walk all over
When I say its done baby, I mean it's over
I don't know a bottle not filled with wine
I moved down to the quarry and I did my time

All bets are off now, when the fire hits the sea
I'm gonna lay it on you child, bring it all to me

Bring it all to me, when the fire hits the sea

Mirror lyrics:

Bring it all to me, when the fire hits the sea

I'm gonna lay it on you child, bring it all to me
All bets are off now, when the fire hits the sea

I moved down to the quarry and I did my time
I don't know a bottle not filled with wine
When I say its done baby, I mean it's over
I'm no cop you can walk all over

I'm gonna lay it on you child, bring it all to me
All bets are off now, when the fire hits the sea

By the way baby thankyou for the sessions
I'm no rosetta stone, I learned my lessons
I did you wrong baby, took you for a ride
I'm no penny pusher still have my pride

I'm gonna lay it on you child, bring it all to me
All bets are off now, when the fire hits the sea

Sorry to disturb you, and your happy home
I'm no street walk, I got fire and brimstone
I'm no suffering like, the game I'm in
I'm no candle backing, blowin out in the wind

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe FFire HHits TThe SSea hen he ire its he ea hWen hTe iFre iHts hTe eSa ahen fhe cire jits fhe zea aWhen fThe cFire jHits fThe zSea
Wahen Tfhe Fcire Hjits Tfhe Szea 3hen 5he rire uits 5he wea 3When 5The rFire uHits 5The wSea W3hen T5he Frire Huits T5he Swea dhen hhe gire nits hhe dea
dWhen hThe gFire nHits hThe dSea Wdhen Thhe Fgire Hnits Thhe Sdea ehen yhe tire bits yhe eea eWhen yThe tFire bHits yThe eSea Wehen Tyhe Ftire Hbits Tyhe Seea
shen 6he vire gits 6he xea sWhen 6The vFire gHits 6The xSea Wshen T6he Fvire Hgits T6he Sxea 2hen ghe dire yits ghe aea 2When gThe dFire yHits gThe aSea
W2hen Tghe Fdire Hyits Tghe Saea qhen rhe Fiire Hiits rhe qWhen rThe Fre Hts rThe Sa Wqhen Trhe Frie Htis Trhe Sae Whhen Fjre Hjts Ssa
Wen Te Fjire Te Ssea Wehn Teh Fijre Hijts Teh Sesa Wjen Tje F9re H9ts Tje S3a Wjhen Tjhe F9ire H9its Tjhe S3ea Whjen Thje Fi9re Hi9ts Thje Se3a
Wuen Tue Flre Hlts Tue Sfa Wuhen Tuhe Flire Hlits Tuhe Sfea Whuen Thue Filre Hilts Thue Sefa Wnen Tne Fore Hots Tne Sra Wnhen Tnhe Foire Hoits Tnhe Srea
Whnen Thne Fiore Hiots Thne Sera Wben Tbe Fkre Hkts Tbe S4a Wbhen Tbhe Fkire Hkits Tbhe S4ea Whben Thbe Fikre Hikts Thbe Se4a Wgen Tge F8re H8ts Tge Sda
Wghen F8ire H8its Whgen Thge Fi8re Hi8ts Thge Seda Wyen Tye Fure Huts Tye Swa Wyhen Fuire

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