Joe Bonamassa
I Don't Live Anywhere

Don't live anywhere

Got no ceiling, but the sky
like the world babe, just rolling by
I don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
this road is my home

There's nin to five's, pretty odds
there was never babe, even cuts,
don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
this road is my home

The clamorers and glamors
of the city, I don't need them
as long as I live, let me hold on to my freedom

It's crossed my mind, now and then
little too late babe, go back and start again
don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
this road is my home


The clamour and glamours
of the city, I don't need them
as long as I live, let me hold on to my freedom

It's crossed my mind, now and then
little too late babe, go back and start again
don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
this road is my home

this road is my home...

Mirror lyrics:

this road is my home...

this road is my home
don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
little too late babe, go back and start again
It's crossed my mind, now and then

as long as I live, let me hold on to my freedom
of the city, I don't need them
The clamour and glamours


this road is my home
don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
little too late babe, go back and start again
It's crossed my mind, now and then

as long as I live, let me hold on to my freedom
of the city, I don't need them
The clamorers and glamors

this road is my home
don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
there was never babe, even cuts,
There's nin to five's, pretty odds

this road is my home
I don't live anywhere, I live everywhere
like the world babe, just rolling by
Got no ceiling, but the sky

Don't live anywhere

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't LLive AAnywhere on't ive nywhere I oDn't iLve nAywhere j xon't kive znywhere jI xDon't kLive zAnywhere Ij Dxon't Lkive Aznywhere
9 eon't oive qnywhere 9I eDon't oLive qAnywhere I9 Deon't Loive Aqnywhere l fon't pive snywhere lI fDon't pLive sAnywhere Il Dfon't Lpive Asnywhere
o ron't Liive wnywhere oI rDon't Lve wAnywhere Io Dron't Lvie Awnywhere k con't Ljve xnywhere kI cDon't Ljive xAnywhere Ik Dcon't Lijve Axnywhere
8 son't L9ve Annywhere 8I sDon't L9ive Aywhere I8 Dson't Li9ve Aynwhere u Doon't Llve Amywhere uI Dn't Llive Amnywhere Iu Dno't Lilve Anmywhere
Dkn't Love Ahywhere Dkon't Ahnywhere Dokn't Liove Anhywhere D9n't Lkve Ajywhere D9on't Ajnywhere Do9n't Likve Anjywhere
D0n't L8ve Abywhere D0on't L8ive Abnywhere Do0n't Li8ve Anbywhere Dln't Luve Anyywhere Dlon't Luive Anwhere Doln't Liuve Anwyhere
Din't Livve Angwhere Dion't Lie Angywhere Doin't Liev Anygwhere Donn't Libe Anhwhere Do't Libve Do'nt Livbe Anyhwhere
Dom't Lice An6where Domn't Licve An6ywhere Donm't Livce Any6where Doh't Lige Anuwhere Dohn't Ligve Anuywhere Donh't Livge Anyuwhere
Doj't Life An7where Dojn't Lifve An7ywhere Donj't Livfe Any7where Dob't Livee Anjwhere Dobn't Liv Donb't Live Anyjwhere
Don''t Livs Antwhere Dont Livse Antywhere Dont' Lives Anytwhere Don'tt Liv3 Anywwhere Don' Liv3e Anyhere Don't Live3 Anyhwere
Don'f Livf Anyahere Don'ft Anyawhere Don'tf Livef Anywahere Don'5 Livr Any3here Don'5t Livre Any3where Don't5 Liver Anyw3here
Don'h Liv4 Anydhere Don'ht Liv4e Anydwhere Don'th Live4 Anywdhere Don'y Livd Anyehere Don'yt Livde Anyewhere Don'ty Lived Anywehere
Don'6 Livw Anyshere Don'6t Livwe Anyswhere Don't6 Livew Anywshere Don'g Any2here Don'gt Any2where Don'tg Anyw2here
Don'r Anyqhere Don'rt Anyqwhere Don'tr Anywqhere

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