Joe Bonamassa
Miss You, Hate You

I got a problem burning through my veins,
I got a tattoo on my arm with your name.
A Ragin' virus burnin' through my skin,
Can you tell me why this has to end?

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.
I didn't mean to shed no, shed no blood yeah.
Maybe I was trippin' baby, you know what I mean,
Maybe that someday you'll believe in me yeah.
Maybe you'll believe in me...

I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I but I need you baby.

I've been seein' demons and I've been seein' saints,
I've tried pretendin' that I'm somebody that I ain't.
I could be the beggar down upon his knees,
But I've seen the truth - It's gonna set me free yeah.
Baby you will set me free...

I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I but I need you.

(Lead Break)

I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,
I miss you - I miss you baby.

(Second Lead Break)

Mirror lyrics:

(Second Lead Break)

I miss you - I miss you baby.
I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,

(Lead Break)

I don't want to but I but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,

Baby you will set me free...
But I've seen the truth - It's gonna set me free yeah.
I could be the beggar down upon his knees,
I've tried pretendin' that I'm somebody that I ain't.
I've been seein' demons and I've been seein' saints,

I don't want to but I but I need you baby.
I miss you, I hate you, 'cuz I feel you,
I don't want to but I need you.
I miss you, I hate you, 'Cuz I feel you,

Maybe you'll believe in me...
Maybe that someday you'll believe in me yeah.
Maybe I was trippin' baby, you know what I mean,
I didn't mean to shed no, shed no blood yeah.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

Can you tell me why this has to end?
A Ragin' virus burnin' through my skin,
I got a tattoo on my arm with your name.
I got a problem burning through my veins,

Relevant Tags:
MMiss YYou, HHate YYou iss ou, ate ou iMss oYu, aHte oYu jiss gou, jate gou jMiss gYou, jHate gYou Mjiss Ygou, Hjate Ygou
kiss hou, uate hou kMiss hYou, uHate hYou Mkiss Yhou, Huate Yhou niss 6ou, nate 6ou nMiss 6You, nHate 6You Mniss Y6ou, Hnate Y6ou
Miiss uou, bate uou Mss uYou, bHate uYou Msis Yuou, Hbate Yuou Mjss 7ou, gate 7ou 7You, gHate 7You Mijss Y7ou, Hgate Y7ou
M9ss jou, yate jou M9iss jYou, yHate jYou Mi9ss Yjou, Hyate Yjou Mlss tou, Haate tou Mliss tYou, Hte tYou Milss Ytou, Htae Ytou
Moss Yoou, Hzte Yoou Moiss Yu, Hzate Yu Mioss Yuo, Hazte Yuo Mkss Yku, Hqte Yku Ykou, Hqate Ykou Mikss Yoku, Haqte Yoku
M8ss Y9u, Hste Y9u M8iss Y9ou, Hsate Y9ou Mi8ss Yo9u, Haste Yo9u Muss Y0u, Hwte Y0u Muiss Y0ou, Hwate Y0ou Miuss Yo0u, Hawte Yo0u
Misss Ylu, Hxte Ylu Mis Ylou, Hxate Ylou Miss Yolu, Haxte Yolu Mizs Yiu, Hatte Yiu Mizss Yiou, Hae Yiou Miszs Yoiu, Haet Yoiu
Miws Youu, Hafe Youu

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