Jody Watley
What'cha Gonna Do For Me

Did somebody turn that damn music down?

I'm a woman of leisure
So you better try hard to please her
I want you to show your loving
I'll give you all of my time

What'cha gonna do for me
Will you love me forever?
What'cha gonna do for me

Can you give me diamonds
Can you keep me at first
You know I like to travel ‘round the world
Taking in the globe
Let me tell you

I only like the finest
That money can buy
I'm looking for a real good life
That's my intention
Can you dig it

I'm a woman of leisure
So you better try hard to please her
I want you to show your loving
I'll give you all of my time

What'cha gonna do for me
Will you love me forever?
What'cha gonna do for me

I may sound selfish
But it's a rich and famous world
And I'm gonna do the best I can do
To have it all

I don't want to hurt you
I'm not that cold
But I'm gonna look out for myself
Now you've been told
Can you dig it

I'm a woman of leisure
So you better try hard to please her
I want you to show your loving
I'll give you all of my time

What'cha gonna do for me
Will you love me forever?
What'cha gonna do for me

I'm a woman of leisure
So you better try hard to please her
I want you to show your loving
I'll give you all of my time

Mirror lyrics:

I'll give you all of my time
I want you to show your loving
So you better try hard to please her
I'm a woman of leisure

What'cha gonna do for me
Will you love me forever?
What'cha gonna do for me

I'll give you all of my time
I want you to show your loving
So you better try hard to please her
I'm a woman of leisure

Can you dig it
Now you've been told
But I'm gonna look out for myself
I'm not that cold
I don't want to hurt you

To have it all
And I'm gonna do the best I can do
But it's a rich and famous world
I may sound selfish

What'cha gonna do for me
Will you love me forever?
What'cha gonna do for me

I'll give you all of my time
I want you to show your loving
So you better try hard to please her
I'm a woman of leisure

Can you dig it
That's my intention
I'm looking for a real good life
That money can buy
I only like the finest

Let me tell you
Taking in the globe
You know I like to travel ‘round the world
Can you keep me at first
Can you give me diamonds

What'cha gonna do for me
Will you love me forever?
What'cha gonna do for me

I'll give you all of my time
I want you to show your loving
So you better try hard to please her
I'm a woman of leisure

Did somebody turn that damn music down?

Relevant Tags:
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Whhat'cha Gknna Dk Fkr Mr Wat'cha Gkonna Dko Fkor Mre Waht'cha Goknna Dok Fokr Mer Wjat'cha G9nna D9 F9r M4 Wjhat'cha G9onna D9o F9or M4e Whjat'cha Go9nna Do9 Fo9r Me4
Wuat'cha G0nna D0 F0r Md Wuhat'cha G0onna D0o F0or Mde Whuat'cha Go0nna Do0 Fo0r Med Wnat'cha Glnna Dl Flr Mw Wnhat'cha Glonna Dlo Flor Mwe Whnat'cha Golnna Dol Folr Mew
Wbat'cha Ginna Di Fir Wbhat'cha Gionna Dio Fior Whbat'cha Goinna Doi Foir Wgat'cha Gonnna Forr Wghat'cha Gona Fo Whgat'cha Gonna For
Wyat'cha Gomna Fod Wyhat'cha Gomnna Fodr Whyat'cha Gonmna Ford Whaat'cha Gohna Fo4 Wht'cha Gohnna Fo4r Whta'cha Gonhna For4
Whzt'cha Gojna Fog Whzat'cha Gojnna Fogr Whazt'cha Gonjna Forg Whqt'cha Gobna Fot Whqat'cha Gobnna Fotr Whaqt'cha Gonbna Fort
Whst'cha Fo5 Whsat'cha Fo5r Whast'cha Gonan For5 Whwt'cha Gonma Fof Whwat'cha Fofr Whawt'cha Gonnma Forf
Whxt'cha Gonha Foe Whxat'cha Foer Whaxt'cha Gonnha Fore Whatt'cha Gonja Wha'cha Wha'tcha Gonnja
Whaf'cha Gonba Whaft'cha Whatf'cha Gonnba Wha5'cha Gonnaa Wha5t'cha Gonn What5'cha

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