Jordan Mccoy
Just Watch Me

Don't tell me that I'm out of line.. or
That I'm shooting way too high
Don't know any other way for me to play it
I gotta give it everything.. so
Call it just a crazy dream
But I can feel it getting closer every day and

I'm not afraid of working hard and there'll never be a guarantee
But I believe that I can be anything I really want to be

Just watch me, I'll do it
Not matter what they say, I'll prove it
Just watch me, I'm flying
And no one's ever gonna clip my wings
I'll beat the odds if I know me, and if you disagree
Just watch me, just watch me, can't stop me

People say you'll crash and burn.. well
That's the way I've got to learn
But I know it's only gonna make me stronger
Doesn't matter what it takes.. cause
I'm not gonna run or break
Every thing in me is saying I belong here

I believe that I can give just a little bit of something more
They can try to shut me out but I'll break down that door


I can't live in a box
I'll show ‘em what I got
It's never my way to play it too safe
You see I've got big plans I've gotta take the chance
I'll get there if I can

I'm not afraid of working hard
And there'll never be a guarantee but
But I believe that I can be anything I want to be

[Chorus x2]

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus x2]

But I believe that I can be anything I want to be
And there'll never be a guarantee but
I'm not afraid of working hard

I'll get there if I can
You see I've got big plans I've gotta take the chance
It's never my way to play it too safe
I'll show ‘em what I got
I can't live in a box


They can try to shut me out but I'll break down that door
I believe that I can give just a little bit of something more

Every thing in me is saying I belong here
I'm not gonna run or break
Doesn't matter what it takes.. cause
But I know it's only gonna make me stronger
That's the way I've got to learn
People say you'll crash and burn.. well

Just watch me, just watch me, can't stop me
I'll beat the odds if I know me, and if you disagree
And no one's ever gonna clip my wings
Just watch me, I'm flying
Not matter what they say, I'll prove it
Just watch me, I'll do it

But I believe that I can be anything I really want to be
I'm not afraid of working hard and there'll never be a guarantee

But I can feel it getting closer every day and
Call it just a crazy dream
I gotta give it everything.. so
Don't know any other way for me to play it
That I'm shooting way too high
Don't tell me that I'm out of line.. or

Relevant Tags:
JJust WWatch MMe ust atch e uJst aWtch eM kust aatch je kJust aWatch jMe Jkust Waatch Mje iust 3atch ke iJust 3Watch kMe Jiust W3atch Mke
must datch ne mJust dWatch nMe Jmust Wdatch Mne nust eatch Mee nJust eWatch M Jnust Weatch Me hust satch Ms hJust sWatch Mse Jhust Wsatch Mes
uust 2atch M3 uJust 2Watch M3e Juust W2atch Me3 qatch Mf Jst qWatch Mfe Jsut Wqatch Mef Jhst Mr Wtch Mre Juhst Wtach Mer
J7st Wztch M4 J7ust Wzatch M4e Ju7st Waztch Me4 Jkst Wqtch Md Mde Jukst Waqtch Med Jist Wstch Mw Mwe Juist Wastch Mew
J8st Wwtch J8ust Wwatch Ju8st Wawtch Jjst Wxtch Jjust Wxatch Jujst Waxtch Jyst Wattch Jyust Wach Juyst Wacth
Jusst Wafch Jut Waftch Juts Watfch Juzt Wa5ch

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