Jonny Lang
The Other Side Of The Fence

The grass is always greener
On the other side of the fence, yeah, yeah
But the dog over there might be meaner
On the other side of the fence, yeah, yeah

The car in the driveway looks longer
On the other side of the street, yeah, yeah
Does anything ever go wrong there
On the other side of the street, yeah, yeah?

Stay in your own yard, stay in your own yard
Be happy in your own yard
'Cause everything glitters that really ain't gold, yeah

Future always look brighter
On the other side of the charts, yeah, yeah
But then everybody wish to come over
But they don't want to come back, no, no

They live like kings and queens
On the best side of the town, yeah, yeah
But they're gonna have to make room for me
On the best side of the town, sure enough

Well, jealousy a cold thing [?]
All the [?] pain
Everything glitters that really ain't gold, no
It's not what it looks like, it really ain't gold

Steady running 'bout what [?]
Gotta make the most of what you got
Steady keeping up [?]
Gotta look out for your own

Stay in your own yard, pray in your own yard
Be happy in your own yard, yeah, your own yard
Stay in your own yard, pray in your own yard
Happy in your own yard
Everything glitters that really ain't gold, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Everything glitters that really ain't gold, yeah
Happy in your own yard
Stay in your own yard, pray in your own yard
Be happy in your own yard, yeah, your own yard
Stay in your own yard, pray in your own yard

Gotta look out for your own
Steady keeping up [?]
Gotta make the most of what you got
Steady running 'bout what [?]

It's not what it looks like, it really ain't gold
Everything glitters that really ain't gold, no
All the [?] pain
Well, jealousy a cold thing [?]

On the best side of the town, sure enough
But they're gonna have to make room for me
On the best side of the town, yeah, yeah
They live like kings and queens

But they don't want to come back, no, no
But then everybody wish to come over
On the other side of the charts, yeah, yeah
Future always look brighter

'Cause everything glitters that really ain't gold, yeah
Be happy in your own yard
Stay in your own yard, stay in your own yard

On the other side of the street, yeah, yeah?
Does anything ever go wrong there
On the other side of the street, yeah, yeah
The car in the driveway looks longer

On the other side of the fence, yeah, yeah
But the dog over there might be meaner
On the other side of the fence, yeah, yeah
The grass is always greener

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOther SSide OOf TThe FFence he ther ide f he ence hTe tOher iSde fO hTe eFnce fhe kther zide kf fhe cence fThe kOther zSide kOf fThe cFence
Tfhe Okther Szide Okf Tfhe Fcence 5he 9ther wide 9f 5he rence 5The 9Other wSide 9Of 5The rFence T5he O9ther Swide O9f T5he Frence hhe 0ther dide 0f hhe gence
hThe 0Other dSide 0Of hThe gFence Thhe O0ther Sdide O0f Thhe Fgence yhe lther eide lf yhe tence yThe lOther eSide lOf yThe tFence Tyhe Olther Seide Olf Tyhe Ftence
6he ither xide if 6he vence 6The iOther xSide iOf 6The vFence T6he Oither Sxide Oif T6he Fvence ghe Otther aide Off ghe dence gThe Oher aSide O gThe dFence
Tghe Ohter Saide Of Tghe Fdence rhe Ofher Siide Oc rhe Feence rThe Ofther Sde Ocf rThe Fnce Trhe Otfher Sdie Ofc Trhe Fnece O5her Sjde Or Fsnce
Te O5ther Sjide Orf Te Fsence Teh Ot5her Sijde Ofr Teh Fesnce Tje Ohher S9de Og Tje F3nce Tjhe Ohther S9ide Ogf Tjhe F3ence Thje Othher Si9de Ofg Thje Fe3nce
Tue Oyher Slde Ot Tue Ffnce Tuhe Oyther Slide Otf Tuhe Ffence Thue Otyher Silde Oft Thue Fefnce Tne O6her Sode Ov Tne Frnce Tnhe O6ther Soide Ovf Tnhe
Thne Ot6her Siode Ofv Thne Fernce Tbe Ogher Skde Od Tbe F4nce Tbhe Ogther Skide Odf Tbhe F4ence Thbe Otgher Sikde Ofd Thbe Fe4nce Tge Orher S8de Tge Fdnce
Orther S8ide Thge Otrher Si8de Thge Fednce Tye Sude Tye Fwnce Oter Suide Fwence Thye Otehr Siude Thye Fewnce
Thee Otjer Sidde Thee Fennce Th Otjher Sie Th Fece The Othjer Sied The Fecne Ths Otuer Sixe Ths Femce Thse Otuher Sixde Thse Femnce
Thes Othuer Sidxe Thes Fenmce Th3 Otner Siee Th3 Fehce

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