Jonny Lang
Long Time Coming

Yeah, its been a long time coming
Never thought itd take so long
I stood still but time kept running
Time has made me strong

Yeah, ive been waiting
Waiting for this day to come
Time dont wait so i keep singing

Yeah, its been a long time coming
Never thought it'd take so long
I stood still and time kept running
Time has made me strong
Made me strong, made me strong
Time has made me strong

Mirror lyrics:

Time has made me strong
Made me strong, made me strong
Time has made me strong
I stood still and time kept running
Never thought it'd take so long
Yeah, its been a long time coming

Time dont wait so i keep singing
Waiting for this day to come
Yeah, ive been waiting

Time has made me strong
I stood still but time kept running
Never thought itd take so long
Yeah, its been a long time coming

Relevant Tags:
LLong TTime CComing ong ime oming oLng iTme oCming kong fime foming kLong fTime fComing Lkong Tfime Cfoming oong 5ime xoming
oLong 5Time xComing Loong T5ime Cxoming pong hime voming pLong hTime vComing Lpong Thime Cvoming yime doming Lng yTime dComing
Lnog Tyime Cdoming Lkng 6ime Cooming 6Time Cming Lokng T6ime Cmoing L9ng gime Ckming L9ong gTime Ckoming Lo9ng Tgime Cokming
L0ng rime C9ming L0ong rTime C9oming Lo0ng Trime Co9ming Llng Tiime C0ming Llong Tme C0oming Lolng Tmie Co0ming Ling Tjme Clming
Liong Tjime Cloming Loing Tijme Colming Lonng T9me Ciming Log T9ime Cioming Logn Ti9me Coiming Lomg Tlme Comming Lomng Tlime Coing
Lonmg Tilme Coimng Lohg Tome Cojing Lohng Toime Cojming Lonhg Tiome Comjing Lojg Tkme Coking Lojng Tkime Lonjg Tikme Comking
Lobg T8me Coning Lobng T8ime Conming Lonbg Ti8me Comning Longg Tume Comiing Lon Tuime Comng Long Tiume Comnig Lonh Timme Comjng

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