Joseph Arthur
You Are Free

Time is moving on
You and me
You and me

Suffering is gone
You are free
You are free

I know I let you down
Those days are over now

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who I thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who you thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who you thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who I thought I was

Time is moving on
You and me
You and me

Suffering is done
You are free
You are free

I know I let you down
Those days are over now

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who I thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who you thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who I thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who you thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who you thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who I thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who I thought I was

I'm no longer who I was
No longer who you thought I was

I'm not afraid of nothing
I'm not afraid of anyone
I'm not afraid of losing myself
There ain't no self to lose

I'm not afraid of losing myself
There ain't no self to lose

I'm not afraid of losing myself
There ain't no self to lose
I'm not afraid

Time is moving on
You and me
You and me

Suffering is done
You are free
You are free

When you feel you're strong
You are free
You are free

Mirror lyrics:

You are free
You are free
When you feel you're strong

You are free
You are free
Suffering is done

You and me
You and me
Time is moving on

I'm not afraid
There ain't no self to lose
I'm not afraid of losing myself

There ain't no self to lose
I'm not afraid of losing myself

There ain't no self to lose
I'm not afraid of losing myself
I'm not afraid of anyone
I'm not afraid of nothing

No longer who you thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who I thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who I thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who you thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who you thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who I thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who you thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who I thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

Those days are over now
I know I let you down

You are free
You are free
Suffering is done

You and me
You and me
Time is moving on

No longer who I thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who you thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who you thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

No longer who I thought I was
I'm no longer who I was

Those days are over now
I know I let you down

You are free
You are free
Suffering is gone

You and me
You and me
Time is moving on

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre FFree ou re ree oYu rAe rFee gou zre cree gYou zAre cFree Ygou Azre Fcree hou qre rree hYou qAre rFree Yhou Aqre Frree
6ou sre gree 6You sAre gFree Y6ou Asre Fgree uou wre tree uYou wAre tFree Yuou Awre Ftree 7ou xre vree 7You xAre vFree Y7ou Axre Fvree
jou Arre dree jYou Ae dFree Yjou Aer Fdree tou Ade tYou Adre Fee Ytou Arde Fere Yoou A4e Fdee Yu A4re Yuo Ar4e Frdee
Yku Age F4ee Ykou Agre F4ree Yoku Arge Fr4ee Y9u Ate Fgee Y9ou Atre Yo9u Arte Frgee Y0u A5e Ftee Y0ou A5re Yo0u Ar5e Frtee
Ylu Afe F5ee

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