Joseph Arthur
Too Much To Hide

The needle says she'll tell you when she's through
No sense now in trying to believe in you

Too much to hide in your own two eyes
Too much to hide in your own world

There's some you know
You follow into doom by yourself and in an empty room

Too much to hide in your own two eyes
Too much to hide in your own world

Dream you're gone
Dream you're gone
So far away
(So far)

Dream you're gone
Dream you're gone
So far away
(So far)

Dream you're gone
Dream you're gone
So far away
(So far)

I'm down here and walking with you still and part of me I guess always will

Too much to hide in your own two eyes
Too much to hide in your own world

Be here now
Be here now

Be here now
Be here now

Be here now
Be here now

Mirror lyrics:

Be here now
Be here now

Be here now
Be here now

Be here now
Be here now

Too much to hide in your own world
Too much to hide in your own two eyes

I'm down here and walking with you still and part of me I guess always will

(So far)
So far away
Dream you're gone
Dream you're gone

(So far)
So far away
Dream you're gone
Dream you're gone

(So far)
So far away
Dream you're gone
Dream you're gone

Too much to hide in your own world
Too much to hide in your own two eyes

You follow into doom by yourself and in an empty room
There's some you know

Too much to hide in your own world
Too much to hide in your own two eyes

No sense now in trying to believe in you
The needle says she'll tell you when she's through

Relevant Tags:
TToo MMuch TTo HHide oo uch o ide oTo uMch oT iHde foo juch fo jide fToo jMuch fTo jHide Tfoo Mjuch Tfo Hjide 5oo kuch 5o uide
5Too kMuch 5To uHide T5oo Mkuch T5o Huide hoo nuch ho nide hToo nMuch hTo nHide Thoo Mnuch Tho Hnide yoo Muuch yo bide yToo Mch yTo bHide
Tyoo Mcuh Tyo Hbide 6oo Mhch 6o gide 6Too Mhuch 6To gHide T6oo Muhch T6o Hgide goo M7ch go yide gToo M7uch gTo yHide Tgoo Mu7ch Tgo Hyide
roo Mkch ro Hiide rToo rTo Hde Troo Mukch Tro Hdie Tooo Mich Too Hjde To Miuch T Too Muich To Hijde Tko M8ch Tk H9de
Tkoo M8uch Tko H9ide Toko Mu8ch Tok Hi9de T9o Mjch T9 Hlde T9oo T9o Hlide To9o Mujch To9 Hilde T0o Mych T0 Hode T0oo Myuch T0o Hoide
To0o Muych To0 Hiode Tlo Mucch Tl Hkde Tloo Muh Tlo Hkide Tolo Muhc Tol Hikde Tio Mufh Ti H8de Tioo Mufch Tio H8ide Toio Mucfh Toi Hi8de

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