Jose Gonzalez And Criollo Clasico
Stay In The Shades

Stay in the shade
until you reach the grave
Hide from yourself
and see how you fade
You'll see how you fade

Love moves on
Life goes on
And while you don't
you'll stand all alone
You'll see how you fade
You'll see how you fade
You'll see how you fade
moves on
You'll see how you fade
moves on
You'll see how you fade

Mirror lyrics:

You'll see how you fade
moves on
You'll see how you fade
moves on
You'll see how you fade
You'll see how you fade
You'll see how you fade
you'll stand all alone
And while you don't
Life goes on
Love moves on

You'll see how you fade
and see how you fade
Hide from yourself
until you reach the grave
Stay in the shade

Relevant Tags:
SStay IIn TThe SShades tay n he hades tSay nI hTe hSades ztay jn fhe zhades zStay jIn fThe zShades Sztay Ijn Tfhe Szhades
wtay 9n 5he whades wStay 9In 5The wShades Swtay I9n T5he Swhades dtay ln hhe dhades dStay lIn hThe dShades Sdtay Iln Thhe Sdhades
etay on yhe ehades eStay oIn yThe eShades Setay Ion Tyhe Sehades xtay kn 6he xhades xStay kIn 6The xShades Sxtay Ikn T6he Sxhades
atay 8n ghe ahades aStay 8In gThe aShades Satay I8n Tghe Sahades Sttay un rhe Shhades Say uIn rThe Sades Saty Iun Trhe Sahdes
Sfay Inn Sjades Sftay I Te Sjhades Stfay In Teh Shjades S5ay Im Tje Suades S5tay Imn Tjhe Suhades St5ay Inm Thje Shuades
Shay Ih Tue Snades Shtay Ihn Tuhe Snhades Sthay Inh Thue Shnades Syay Ij Tne Sbades Sytay Tnhe Sbhades Styay Inj Thne Shbades
S6ay Ib Tbe Sgades S6tay Ibn Tbhe Sghades St6ay Inb Thbe Shgades Sgay Tge Syades Sgtay Syhades Stgay Thge Shyades
Sray Tye Shaades Srtay Shdes Stray Thye Shdaes Staay Thee Shzdes Sty Th Shzades Stya The Shazdes
Stzy Ths Shqdes Stzay Thse Shqades Stazy Thes Shaqdes Stqy Th3 Shsdes Stqay Th3e Shsades Staqy The3 Shasdes
Stsy Thf Shwdes Stsay Thfe Shwades Stasy Thef Shawdes Stwy Thr Shxdes

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