Joan Armatrading
Kind Words (and A Real Good Heart)

Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get the best

It doesn't mean they won't get brutal
It doesn't mean they won't assault you
With a kind heart, with a kind heart

Bad guys sometime hard to find
'Cause they don't all dress in black
Good guys sometime make mistake
I say don't look, don't look back

Be mindful how you get used up
You can't always trust an honest man
Be mindful how you get used up
You can't always trust an honest man

You gotta make your own beginning
Mark it down growing pains
With a kind heart, with a kind heart

Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get the best

It doesn't mean the whole world loves you
It doesn't mean more than it means
A kind heart, a kind heart, a kind heart, a kind heart
A kind heart, with kind heart, with a kind heart

Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get the best

Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get the best

Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect

Mirror lyrics:

Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart

Doesn't mean you get the best
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart

Doesn't mean you get the best
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart

A kind heart, with kind heart, with a kind heart
A kind heart, a kind heart, a kind heart, a kind heart
It doesn't mean more than it means
It doesn't mean the whole world loves you

Doesn't mean you get the best
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart

With a kind heart, with a kind heart
Mark it down growing pains
You gotta make your own beginning

You can't always trust an honest man
Be mindful how you get used up
You can't always trust an honest man
Be mindful how you get used up

I say don't look, don't look back
Good guys sometime make mistake
'Cause they don't all dress in black
Bad guys sometime hard to find

With a kind heart, with a kind heart
It doesn't mean they won't assault you
It doesn't mean they won't get brutal

Doesn't mean you get the best
Kind words and a real good heart
Doesn't mean you get respect
Kind words and a real good heart

Relevant Tags:
KKind WWords ((and AA RReal GGood HHeart) ind ords and eal ood eart) iKnd oWrds a(nd A eRal oGod eHart) lind aords (aand z deal hood jeart) lKind aWords (nd zA dReal hGood jHeart)
Klind Waords (nad Az Rdeal Ghood Hjeart) oind 3ords (znd q 4eal yood ueart) oKind 3Words (zand qA 4Real yGood uHeart) Koind W3ords (aznd Aq R4eal Gyood Hueart) mind dords (qnd s geal bood neart)
mKind dWords (qand sA gReal bGood nHeart) Kmind Wdords (aqnd As Rgeal Gbood Hneart) jind eords (snd w teal vood beart) jKind eWords (sand wA tReal vGood bHeart) Kjind Weords (asnd Aw Rteal Gvood Hbeart)
iind sords (wnd x 5eal food geart) iKind sWords (wand xA 5Real fGood gHeart) Kiind Wsords (awnd Ax R5eal Gfood Hgeart) 2ords (xnd feal tood yeart) Knd 2Words (xand fReal tGood yHeart)
Knid W2ords (axnd Rfeal Gtood Hyeart) Kjnd qords (annd eeal Goood Heeart) qWords (ad eReal God Hart) Kijnd Wqords (adn Reeal Good Haert) K9nd Woords (amd Gkod Hsart)
K9ind Wrds (amnd Ral Gkood Hseart) Ki9nd Wrods (anmd Rael Gokod Hesart) Klnd Wkrds (ahd Rsal G9od H3art) Wkords (ahnd Rseal G9ood H3eart) Kilnd Wokrds (anhd Resal Go9od He3art)
Kond W9rds (ajd R3al G0od Hfart) W9ords (ajnd R3eal G0ood Hfeart) Kiond Wo9rds (anjd Re3al Go0od Hefart) Kknd W0rds (abd Rfal Glod Hrart) Kkind W0ords (abnd Glood Hreart)
Kiknd Wo0rds (anbd Refal Golod Herart) K8nd Wlrds (andd Rral Giod H4art) K8ind Wlords (an Rreal Giood H4eart) Ki8nd Wolrds (and Reral Goiod He4art) Kund Wirds (anx R4al Hdart)
Kuind Wiords (anxd Hdeart) Kiund Woirds (andx Re4al Godo Hedart) Kinnd Worrds (ane Rdal Gokd Hwart) Kid Wods (aned Hweart) Kidn Wodrs (ande Redal Gookd Hewart)
Kimd Wodds (anf Rwal Go9d Heaart) Kimnd Wodrds (anfd Rweal Hert) Kinmd Wordds (andf Rewal Goo9d Herat) Kihd Wo4ds (anr Reaal Go0d Hezrt) Kihnd Wo4rds (anrd Rel Hezart)
Kinhd Wor4ds (andr Rela Goo0d Heazrt) Kijd Wogds (anc Rezl Gold Heqrt) Wogrds (ancd Rezal Heqart) Kinjd Worgds (andc Reazl Goold Heaqrt)

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