Jeff Lynne
Loser Gone Wild

I don't mind the pain, or the jokers' cold refrain
The days pass by so slowly, I count them all again
Silence of a basement, shades all closed at noon
Lie awake for fear of strangers

Darkness comes on slowly, twilight is the ecstasy
Like a candle burning bright, shadows dance until the night
Empty rooms and chilling smiles
They go on for miles and miles

Chorus: But in the evening when the sun goes down
Crawl from the shadows got to get into town
Where the music is playin' all across the night
And every cloud disappears from sight

There goes a loser, another loser gone
There goes another, another who's alone
There goes a loser, another loser gone wild

I don't mind if violins don't play
I won't listen to them anyway
I don't care what people say
Some things just can't be arranged
Icy fingers touching you.
Silent voices calling too
What else is there to lose- I am here but where are you?


Mirror lyrics:


What else is there to lose- I am here but where are you?
Silent voices calling too
Icy fingers touching you.
Some things just can't be arranged
I don't care what people say
I won't listen to them anyway
I don't mind if violins don't play

There goes a loser, another loser gone wild
There goes another, another who's alone
There goes a loser, another loser gone

And every cloud disappears from sight
Where the music is playin' all across the night
Crawl from the shadows got to get into town
Chorus: But in the evening when the sun goes down

They go on for miles and miles
Empty rooms and chilling smiles
Like a candle burning bright, shadows dance until the night
Darkness comes on slowly, twilight is the ecstasy

Lie awake for fear of strangers
Silence of a basement, shades all closed at noon
The days pass by so slowly, I count them all again
I don't mind the pain, or the jokers' cold refrain

Relevant Tags:
LLoser GGone WWild oser one ild oLser oGne iWld koser hone aild kLoser hGone aWild Lkoser Ghone Waild ooser yone 3ild
oLoser yGone 3Wild Looser Gyone W3ild poser bone dild pLoser bGone dWild Lposer Gbone Wdild vone eild Lser vGone eWild
Lsoer Gvone Weild Lkser fone sild fGone sWild Lokser Gfone Wsild L9ser tone 2ild L9oser tGone 2Wild Lo9ser Gtone W2ild
L0ser Goone qild L0oser Gne qWild Lo0ser Gnoe Wqild Llser Gkne Wiild Lloser Gkone Wld Lolser Gokne Wlid Liser G9ne Wjld
Lioser G9one Wjild Loiser Go9ne Wijld Losser G0ne W9ld Loer G0one W9ild Loesr Go0ne Wi9ld Lozer Glne Wlld Lozser Glone Wlild
Loszer Golne Willd Lower Gine Wold Lowser Gione Woild Loswer Goine Wiold Loder Gonne Wkld Lodser Goe Wkild Losder Goen Wikld
Loeer Gome W8ld Loeser Gomne W8ild

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