Jeff Lynne
Endless Lies

Bye bye, pretty woman
I've got to leave you now
I find you never really cared.

Stand back, take a look at you
You couldn't care if you wanted to
You keep saying it's gonna change
But every time it comes back again
It's a merry-go-round.

Endless lies shine in your eyes.

It's alright, count to ten
It will all be better then
It's alright, the world will go away.


Endless lies, I can see it in your eyes
The heartbreak is, if you could only see
That's not the way it's supposed to be
Endless tears that flowed through the years
You take it all, and then you take some more
Then you come running back to me.

Play on, pretty music
Play on and on for me
Shine on, silver stars
Over the sea.

Endless lies, I can see it in your eyes
The heartbreak is, if you could only see
That's not the way it's supposed to be.

Endless lies shine in your eyes.

Mirror lyrics:

Endless lies shine in your eyes.

That's not the way it's supposed to be.
The heartbreak is, if you could only see
Endless lies, I can see it in your eyes

Over the sea.
Shine on, silver stars
Play on and on for me
Play on, pretty music

Then you come running back to me.
You take it all, and then you take some more
Endless tears that flowed through the years
That's not the way it's supposed to be
The heartbreak is, if you could only see
Endless lies, I can see it in your eyes


It's alright, the world will go away.
It will all be better then
It's alright, count to ten

Endless lies shine in your eyes.

It's a merry-go-round.
But every time it comes back again
You keep saying it's gonna change
You couldn't care if you wanted to
Stand back, take a look at you

I find you never really cared.
I've got to leave you now
Bye bye, pretty woman

Relevant Tags:
EEndless LLies ndless ies nEdless iLes sndless kies sEndless kLies Esndless Lkies 3ndless oies 3Endless oLies E3ndless Loies
fndless pies fEndless pLies Efndless Lpies rndless Liies rEndless Les Erndless Leis 4ndless Ljes 4Endless Ljies E4ndless Lijes
dndless L9es dEndless L9ies Edndless Li9es wndless Lles wEndless Llies Ewndless Liles Enndless Loes Edless Ednless Lioes
Emdless Lkes Emndless Enmdless Likes Ehdless L8es Ehndless L8ies Enhdless Li8es Ejdless Lues Ejndless Luies Enjdless Liues
Ebdless Liees Ebndless Lis Enbdless Lise Enddless Liss Enless Lises Enldess Liess Enxless Li3s Enxdless Li3es Endxless Lie3s
Eneless Lifs Enedless Lifes Endeless Liefs Enfless Lirs Enfdless Lires Endfless Liers Enrless Li4s Enrdless Li4es Endrless Lie4s
Encless Lids Encdless Lides Endcless Lieds Ensless Liws Ensdless Liwes Endsless Liews Endlless Endess Lie Endelss Lies

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