Jeff Lorber
Shades Of Soul

Shades of Soul
Feeling funky for the funk of it
Just letting you know
The funk is for real
Gonna let you know
Feelin so good that you'll never quit
Got funk to go
Just do what you feel

Gonna let you know
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul

Shades of Soul
Feeling funky for the funk of it
Just letting you know
The funk is for real
Gonna let you know
Feelin so good that you'll never quit
Got funk to go
Just do what you feel

Mirror lyrics:

Just do what you feel
Got funk to go
Feelin so good that you'll never quit
Gonna let you know
The funk is for real
Just letting you know
Feeling funky for the funk of it
Shades of Soul

Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Talking bout Shades of Soul
Gonna let you know

Just do what you feel
Got funk to go
Feelin so good that you'll never quit
Gonna let you know
The funk is for real
Just letting you know
Feeling funky for the funk of it
Shades of Soul

Relevant Tags:
SShades OOf SSoul hades f oul hSades fO oSul zhades kf zoul zShades kOf zSoul Szhades Okf Szoul whades 9f woul wShades 9Of wSoul
Swhades O9f Swoul dhades 0f doul dShades 0Of dSoul Sdhades O0f Sdoul ehades lf eoul eShades lOf eSoul Sehades Olf Seoul xhades if xoul
xShades iOf xSoul Sxhades Oif Sxoul ahades Off aoul aShades O aSoul Sahades Of Saoul Shhades Oc Sooul Sades Ocf Sul Sahdes Ofc Suol
Sjades Or Skul Sjhades Orf Skoul Shjades Ofr Sokul Suades Og S9ul Suhades Ogf S9oul Shuades Ofg So9ul Snades Ot S0ul Snhades Otf S0oul
Shnades Oft So0ul Sbades Ov Slul Sbhades Ovf Sloul Shbades Ofv Solul Sgades Od Siul Sghades Odf Sioul Shgades Ofd Soiul Syades Souul
Syhades Sol Shyades Solu Shaades Sohl Shdes Sohul Shdaes Souhl Shzdes So7l Shzades So7ul Shazdes Sou7l
Shqdes Sokl Shqades Shaqdes Soukl Shsdes Soil Shsades Shasdes Souil Shwdes So8l Shwades So8ul
Shawdes Sou8l Shxdes Sojl

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