Jefferson Airplane

People of the world together
Join to serve the common cause
So it feeds us all forever
See to it that it's now yours

Forward without forgetting
Where our strength can be seen now to be
When starving or when eating
It's forward not forgetting our solidarity

Black or white or brown or yellow
Leave your old disputes behind
Once you start talking to your fellow men
You'll soon be of one mind

If we want to make this certain
We'll need you and your support
It's yourselves you'll be deserting
If you rat on your own sort

Forward without forgetting
Where our strength can be seen now to be
When starving or when eating
It's forward not forgetting our solidarity

All the gang of those who rule us
Hope our quarrels never stop
Helping them to split and fool us
Just so they can remain on top

Forward without forgetting
Till the concrete question is hurled
When Starving or when eating

Whose tomorrow is tomorrow?
And whose world is the world

Mirror lyrics:

And whose world is the world
Whose tomorrow is tomorrow?

When Starving or when eating
Till the concrete question is hurled
Forward without forgetting

Just so they can remain on top
Helping them to split and fool us
Hope our quarrels never stop
All the gang of those who rule us

It's forward not forgetting our solidarity
When starving or when eating
Where our strength can be seen now to be
Forward without forgetting

If you rat on your own sort
It's yourselves you'll be deserting
We'll need you and your support
If we want to make this certain

You'll soon be of one mind
Once you start talking to your fellow men
Leave your old disputes behind
Black or white or brown or yellow

It's forward not forgetting our solidarity
When starving or when eating
Where our strength can be seen now to be
Forward without forgetting

See to it that it's now yours
So it feeds us all forever
Join to serve the common cause
People of the world together

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Solidearity Solifarity Solifdarity Solidfarity Solirarity Solirdarity Solidrarity Solicarity Solicdarity Solidcarity Solisarity
Solisdarity Solidsarity Solidaarity Solidrity Solidraity

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perdoname (all by myself)

lead the way

to be forgiven

crystal fallin' rain

woman in me

sacrifice of praise (as i worship)

se apago mi estrella..

silence never speaks

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