Jefferson Airplane
It's No Secret

It's no secret, how strong my love is for you
It's no secret, when I tell you what I'm gonna do
‘Cause I love you, yeah I love you

It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel
It's no secret, when I say my love is real
‘Cause I love you, yeah I love you

It's no secret, when you got me jumping up and down
It's no secret, ‘cause my heart is chained and bound
I love you, yes I love you
It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel

As I get older the years they get heavy for you
Is it any wonder why I feel like my whole life is through
When I stop feeling how strong my love is for you
Know I'll be empty wanting your love like I do

It's no secret, when you got me jumping up and down
It's no secret, ‘cause my heart is chained and bound
I love you, yes I love you
It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel

It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel

Mirror lyrics:

It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel

It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel
I love you, yes I love you
It's no secret, ‘cause my heart is chained and bound
It's no secret, when you got me jumping up and down

Know I'll be empty wanting your love like I do
When I stop feeling how strong my love is for you
Is it any wonder why I feel like my whole life is through
As I get older the years they get heavy for you

It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel
I love you, yes I love you
It's no secret, ‘cause my heart is chained and bound
It's no secret, when you got me jumping up and down

‘Cause I love you, yeah I love you
It's no secret, when I say my love is real
It's no secret, everybody knows how I feel

‘Cause I love you, yeah I love you
It's no secret, when I tell you what I'm gonna do
It's no secret, how strong my love is for you

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IIt's NNo SSecret t's o ecret tI's oN eScret jt's mo zecret jIt's mNo zSecret Ijt's Nmo Szecret 9t's ho wecret 9It's hNo wSecret
I9t's Nho Swecret lt's jo decret lIt's jNo dSecret Ilt's Njo Sdecret ot's bo eecret oIt's bNo eSecret Iot's Nbo Seecret kt's Noo xecret
kIt's N xSecret Ikt's No Sxecret 8t's Nk aecret 8It's Nko aSecret I8t's Nok Saecret ut's N9 uIt's N9o Scret Iut's No9 Sceret
Itt's N0 Sscret I's N0o Ssecret I'ts No0 Sescret If's Nl S3cret Ift's Nlo S3ecret Itf's Nol Se3cret I5's Ni Sfcret I5t's Nio Sfecret
It5's Noi Sefcret Ih's Srcret Iht's Srecret Ith's Sercret Iy's S4cret Iyt's S4ecret Ity's Se4cret I6's Sdcret
I6t's It6's Sedcret Ig's Swcret Igt's Itg's Sewcret Ir's Seccret Irt's Seret Itr's Sercet
It''s Sefret Its Its' Secfret It'ss Sexret It' Sexcret It's Secxret It'z Sevret It'zs Sevcret
It'sz Secvret It'w Sedret It'ws

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