Jefferey Gaines
In Your Eyes (live, Galore)

Love, I get so lost sometimes
Days pass, and this emptiness fills my heart
When I want to run away, I drive off in my car
But whichever way I choose
I come back to the place you are

And all my instincts, they return
And the grand facade so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

In your eyes
The light, the heat, I am complete
I see the doorways to a thousand churches
The resolution of all my fruitless searches
Oh, I see the light and the heat
Yes, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes

Love, I don't like to see so much pain
So much wasted, and each moment is slipping away
I get so tired working so hard for our survival
But I look to these times with you
To keep me awake and alive

And all my instincts, they return
And the grand facade so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

In your eyes
The light and the heat, I am complete
I see the doorways to a thousand churches
And resolution of all my fruitless searches
Oh, I see the light and the heat
Yes, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes
Ooo, in your eyes
Ooo, in your eyes

Mirror lyrics:

Ooo, in your eyes
Ooo, in your eyes
I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes
Yes, I want to be that complete
Oh, I see the light and the heat
And resolution of all my fruitless searches
I see the doorways to a thousand churches
The light and the heat, I am complete
In your eyes

I reach out from the inside
Without a noise, without my pride
And the grand facade so soon will burn
And all my instincts, they return

To keep me awake and alive
But I look to these times with you
I get so tired working so hard for our survival
So much wasted, and each moment is slipping away
Love, I don't like to see so much pain

I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes
Yes, I want to be that complete
Oh, I see the light and the heat
The resolution of all my fruitless searches
I see the doorways to a thousand churches
The light, the heat, I am complete
In your eyes

I reach out from the inside
Without a noise, without my pride
And the grand facade so soon will burn
And all my instincts, they return

I come back to the place you are
But whichever way I choose
When I want to run away, I drive off in my car
Days pass, and this emptiness fills my heart
Love, I get so lost sometimes

Relevant Tags:
IIn YYour EEyes ((live, GGalore) n our yes live, alore) nI oYur yEes l(ive, aGlore) jn gour syes (llive, halore) jIn gYour sEyes (ive, hGalore)
Ijn Ygour Esyes (ilve, Ghalore) 9n hour 3yes (kive, yalore) 9In hYour 3Eyes (klive, yGalore) I9n Yhour E3yes (lkive, Gyalore) ln 6our fyes (oive, balore)
lIn 6Your fEyes (olive, bGalore) Iln Y6our Efyes (loive, Gbalore) on uour ryes (pive, valore) oIn uYour rEyes (plive, vGalore) Ion Yuour Eryes (lpive, Gvalore)
kn 7our 4yes (liive, falore) kIn 7Your 4Eyes (lve, fGalore) Ikn Y7our E4yes (lvie, Gfalore) 8n jour dyes (ljve, talore) 8In jYour dEyes (ljive, tGalore)
I8n Yjour Edyes (lijve, Gtalore) un tour wyes (l9ve, Gaalore) uIn tYour wEyes (l9ive, Glore) Iun Ytour Ewyes (li9ve, Glaore) Inn Yoour Eyyes (llve, Gzlore)
I Yur Ees Gzalore) In Yuor Eeys (lilve, Gazlore) Im Ykur Eges (love, Gqlore) Imn Ykour Egyes Gqalore) Inm Yokur Eyges (liove, Gaqlore)
Ih Y9ur Ehes (lkve, Gslore) Ihn Y9our Ehyes Gsalore) Inh Yo9ur Eyhes (likve, Gaslore) Ij Y0ur E6es (l8ve, Gwlore) Y0our E6yes (l8ive, Gwalore)
Inj Yo0ur Ey6es (li8ve, Gawlore) Ib Ylur Eues (luve, Gxlore) Ibn Ylour Euyes (luive, Gxalore) Inb Yolur Eyues (liuve, Gaxlore) Yiur E7es (livve, Gallore)
Yiour E7yes (lie, Gaore) Yoiur Ey7es (liev, Gaolre) Youur Ejes (libe, Gakore) Yor Ejyes (libve, Gaklore) Yoru Eyjes (livbe, Galkore)
Yohr Etes (lice, Gaoore) Yohur Etyes (licve, Gaolore) Youhr Eytes (livce, Galoore) Yo7r Eyees (lige, Gapore) Yo7ur Eys (ligve, Gaplore)
You7r Eyse (livge, Galpore) Yokr Eyss (life, Eyses (lifve, Galre) Youkr Eyess (livfe, Galroe) Yoir Ey3s (livee, Galkre)
Ey3es (liv,

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