Jeff Buckley
Satisfied Mind

How many times have you heard someone say
If I had money, I'd do things my way,
But little they know that it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind.
Money can't buy back your youth when you're old
A friend, when you're lonely, or peace to your soul.
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind.
When my life is over and my time has run out.
My friends and my loved ones, I'll leave them no doubt.
But, one thing's for certain, when it comes my time
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind.
One thing's for certain, when it comes my time
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind.
Satisfied mind

Mirror lyrics:

Satisfied mind
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind.
One thing's for certain, when it comes my time
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind.
But, one thing's for certain, when it comes my time
My friends and my loved ones, I'll leave them no doubt.
When my life is over and my time has run out.
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind.
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times
A friend, when you're lonely, or peace to your soul.
Money can't buy back your youth when you're old
One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind.
But little they know that it's so hard to find
If I had money, I'd do things my way,
How many times have you heard someone say

Relevant Tags:
SSatisfied MMind atisfied ind aStisfied iMnd zatisfied jind zSatisfied jMind Szatisfied Mjind watisfied kind wSatisfied kMind
Swatisfied Mkind datisfied nind dSatisfied nMind Sdatisfied Mnind eatisfied Miind eSatisfied Mnd Seatisfied Mnid xatisfied Mjnd
xSatisfied Sxatisfied Mijnd aatisfied M9nd aSatisfied M9ind Saatisfied Mi9nd Mlnd Stisfied Mlind Staisfied Milnd
Sztisfied Mond Moind Saztisfied Miond Sqtisfied Mknd Sqatisfied Saqtisfied Miknd Sstisfied M8nd Ssatisfied M8ind
Sastisfied Mi8nd Swtisfied Mund Muind Sawtisfied Miund Sxtisfied Minnd Mid Saxtisfied Midn Sattisfied Mimd
Saisfied Mimnd Saitsfied Minmd Safisfied Mihd Saftisfied Mihnd Satfisfied Minhd Sa5isfied Mijd Sa5tisfied Sat5isfied Minjd
Sahisfied Mibd Sahtisfied Mibnd Sathisfied Minbd Sayisfied Mindd Saytisfied Min Satyisfied Mind Sa6isfied Minx Sa6tisfied Minxd
Sat6isfied Mindx Sagisfied Mine Sagtisfied Mined Satgisfied Minde Sarisfied Minf Sartisfied Minfd Satrisfied Mindf Satiisfied Minr
Satsfied Minrd Satsified Mindr Satjsfied Minc Satjisfied Mincd Satijsfied Mindc Sat9sfied Mins Sat9isfied Minsd Sati9sfied Minds
Satlsfied Satlisfied Satilsfied Satosfied Satoisfied Satiosfied Satksfied Satkisfied
Satiksfied Sat8sfied Sat8isfied Sati8sfied Satusfied Satuisfied Satiusfied Satissfied
Satified Satifsied Satizfied Satizsfied Satiszfied Satiwfied

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