Where U Are

I try to keep my head above the water
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
To get my life back in order - gotta make it through
I've been going through a lot of changes
Taking one day at a time - going all kinds of places

Bridge: 2x
You're my love, you're my bestfriend
And your my blood down to the end
You're the one that I depend on
Had my doubts but you were never wrong

I said I'd try for you
I said I'd fight for you
No matter what I do, you're always in my heart
I said I'd cry for you
Walk a thousand miles for you
No matter how far, I'm always where you are

The feelings I've got within me
We both know where they're from
I appriciate what you give me and what you've done
No I couldn't get by without it
You're my inspiration - the more than I think about it



(You're with me) Whenever I'm feeling down
(I know your close) Even when your not around
(You bring me joy) Whenever I'm outta love
(You are my love) Showing me the way home

(Chorus 2x)

You're my love, you're my bestfriend
And your my blood down to the end
I'm always where you are

You're my love, you're my bestfriend
And you're my blood down to the end
I'm always where you are

Mirror lyrics:

I'm always where you are
And you're my blood down to the end
You're my love, you're my bestfriend

I'm always where you are
And your my blood down to the end
You're my love, you're my bestfriend

(Chorus 2x)

(You are my love) Showing me the way home
(You bring me joy) Whenever I'm outta love
(I know your close) Even when your not around
(You're with me) Whenever I'm feeling down



You're my inspiration - the more than I think about it
No I couldn't get by without it
I appriciate what you give me and what you've done
We both know where they're from
The feelings I've got within me

No matter how far, I'm always where you are
Walk a thousand miles for you
I said I'd cry for you
No matter what I do, you're always in my heart
I said I'd fight for you
I said I'd try for you

Had my doubts but you were never wrong
You're the one that I depend on
And your my blood down to the end
You're my love, you're my bestfriend
Bridge: 2x

Taking one day at a time - going all kinds of places
I've been going through a lot of changes
To get my life back in order - gotta make it through
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I try to keep my head above the water

Relevant Tags:
WWhere UU AAre here re hWere U rAe ahere h zre aWhere hU zAre Wahere Uh Azre 3here 7 qre 3Where 7U qAre W3here U7 Aqre dhere k sre
dWhere kU sAre Wdhere Uk Asre ehere i wre eWhere iU wAre Wehere Ui Awre shere 8 xre sWhere 8U xAre Wshere U8 Axre 2here j Arre 2Where jU Ae
W2here Uj Aer qhere y Ade qWhere yU Adre Wqhere Uy Arde Whhere A4e Were A4re Wehre Ar4e Wjere Age Wjhere Agre Whjere Arge
Wuere Ate Wuhere Atre Whuere Arte Wnere A5e Wnhere A5re Whnere Ar5e Wbere Afe Wbhere Afre Whbere Arfe Wgere Aee
Wghere Aere Whgere Aree Wyere Wyhere Ar Whyere Are Wheere Ars Whre Arse Whree Ares Whsre Ar3 Whsere Ar3e
Whesre Are3 Wh3re Arf Wh3ere Whe3re Aref

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