Jasper Forks
River Flows In You

If you have the time to share the road with me
If you can imagin we could both be free,
What I long to do is give my heart to you
So that you can always hold it close to you

Holding you, holding you
It's in you,
The river flows in you
Slowly now, slowly now
It's in you,
The river flows in you

If you have the time to share the road with me
If you can imagin we could both be free,
Holding you, holding you
It's in you,
The river flows in you
Slowly now, slowly now
It's in you the river flows in you

If you have the time to share the road with me
If you can imagin we could both be free,
What I long to do is give my heart to you
So that you can always hold it close to you

Mirror lyrics:

So that you can always hold it close to you
What I long to do is give my heart to you
If you can imagin we could both be free,
If you have the time to share the road with me

It's in you the river flows in you
Slowly now, slowly now
The river flows in you
It's in you,
Holding you, holding you
If you can imagin we could both be free,
If you have the time to share the road with me

The river flows in you
It's in you,
Slowly now, slowly now
The river flows in you
It's in you,
Holding you, holding you

So that you can always hold it close to you
What I long to do is give my heart to you
If you can imagin we could both be free,
If you have the time to share the road with me

Relevant Tags:
RRiver FFlows IIn YYou iver lows n ou iRver lFows nI oYu diver clows jn gou dRiver cFlows jIn gYou Rdiver Fclows Ijn Ygou
4iver rlows 9n hou 4River rFlows 9In hYou R4iver Frlows I9n Yhou giver glows ln 6ou gRiver gFlows lIn 6You Rgiver Fglows Iln Y6ou
tiver tlows on uou tRiver tFlows oIn uYou Rtiver Ftlows Ion Yuou 5iver vlows kn 7ou 5River vFlows kIn 7You R5iver Fvlows Ikn Y7ou
fiver dlows 8n jou fRiver dFlows 8In jYou Rfiver Fdlows I8n Yjou eiver Fllows un tou eRiver Fows uIn tYou Reiver Folws Iun Ytou
Riiver Fkows Inn Yoou Rver Fklows I Yu Rvier Flkows In Yuo Rjver Foows Im Yku Rjiver Folows Imn Ykou Rijver Floows Inm Yoku
R9ver Fpows Ih Y9u R9iver Fplows Ihn Y9ou Ri9ver Flpows Inh Yo9u Rlver Ij Y0u Rliver Flws Y0ou Rilver Flwos Inj Yo0u
Rover Flkws Ib Ylu Roiver Ibn Ylou Riover Flokws Inb Yolu Rkver Fl9ws Yiu Rkiver Fl9ows Yiou Rikver Flo9ws Yoiu
R8ver Fl0ws Youu R8iver Fl0ows Yo Ri8ver Flo0ws You Ruver Fllws Yoh Ruiver Yohu Riuver Flolws Youh
Rivver Fliws Yo7 Rier Fliows Yo7u Rievr Floiws You7 Riber Flowws Yok Ribver Flos

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