Jason Upton
Burning In The Sky

You've been too long upon this mountain
Its time you journey to the sea
Sometimes to trust in your false comfort
Is easier than trusting me
Some men only believe in what their eyes can see
Some men only believe in what their minds conceive

But believing's like conceiving
This child that we're receiving
A gift beyond our reason
Its more of what we need, and less of what we know
It calls not to our mind, but cries out to our soul

That mountain's burning in the sky
To the heart of heaven
Without the fire we'll never fly
To the heart of heaven
Can you hear God's holy cry
From the heart of heaven
Lay it all down
Lay it all down
Lay it all down
For the heart of heaven

Mirror lyrics:

For the heart of heaven
Lay it all down
Lay it all down
Lay it all down
From the heart of heaven
Can you hear God's holy cry
To the heart of heaven
Without the fire we'll never fly
To the heart of heaven
That mountain's burning in the sky

It calls not to our mind, but cries out to our soul
Its more of what we need, and less of what we know
A gift beyond our reason
This child that we're receiving
But believing's like conceiving

Some men only believe in what their minds conceive
Some men only believe in what their eyes can see
Is easier than trusting me
Sometimes to trust in your false comfort
Its time you journey to the sea
You've been too long upon this mountain

Relevant Tags:
BBurning IIn TThe SSky urning n he ky uBrning nI hTe kSy vurning jn fhe zky vBurning jIn fThe zSky Bvurning Ijn Tfhe Szky
gurning 9n 5he wky gBurning 9In 5The wSky Bgurning I9n T5he Swky nurning ln hhe dky nBurning lIn hThe dSky Bnurning Iln Thhe Sdky
hurning on yhe eky hBurning oIn yThe eSky Bhurning Ion Tyhe Seky Buurning kn 6he xky Brning kIn 6The xSky Bruning Ikn T6he Sxky
Bhrning 8n ghe aky 8In gThe aSky Buhrning I8n Tghe Saky B7rning un rhe Skky B7urning uIn rThe Sy Bu7rning Iun Trhe Syk
Bkrning Inn Sly Bkurning I Te Slky Bukrning In Teh Skly Birning Im Tje Soy Biurning Imn Tjhe Soky Buirning Inm Thje Skoy
B8rning Ih Tue Smy B8urning Ihn Tuhe Smky Bu8rning Inh Thue Skmy Bjrning Ij Tne Sjy Bjurning Tnhe Sjky Bujrning Inj Thne Skjy
Byrning Ib Tbe Siy Byurning Ibn Tbhe Siky Buyrning Inb Thbe Skiy Burrning Tge Skyy Buning Sk Bunring Thge Sky
Budning Tye Skg Budrning Skgy Burdning Thye Skyg Bu4ning Thee Skh Bu4rning Th Skhy Bur4ning The Skyh
Bugning Ths Sk6 Bugrning Thse Sk6y Burgning Thes Sky6 Butning Th3 Sku Butrning Th3e Skuy Burtning The3 Skyu
Bu5ning Thf Sk7 Bu5rning Thfe Sk7y Bur5ning Thef Sky7 Bufning Thr Skj Bufrning Thre Burfning Ther Skyj
Buening Th4 Skt Buerning Th4e Skty Burening The4 Skyt Burnning Thd Buring Thde Burinng Thed
Burming Thw

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