Jason Paige
Gotta Catch 'em All!

I wanna be the very best.
Like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause

I will travel across the land,
searching far and wide
each Pokemon to understand
the power that's inside!

Gotta catch 'em all
it's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend.
Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!
Oh, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me, and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all, yeah.

Every challenge along the way
with courage I will face
I will battle every day
to claim my rightful place

Come with me, the time is right.
There's no better team
Arm in arm, we'll win the fight.
It's always been our dream.

Gotta catch 'em all
it's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend.
Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!
Oh, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me, and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!


Gotta catch 'em all
it's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend.
Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!
Oh, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me, and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!

Mirror lyrics:

Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
you teach me, and I'll teach you
our courage will pull us through
Oh, a heart so true
Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!
in a world we must defend.
Oh, you're my best friend
I know it's my destiny
it's you and me
Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
you teach me, and I'll teach you
our courage will pull us through
Oh, a heart so true
Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!
in a world we must defend.
Oh, you're my best friend
I know it's my destiny
it's you and me
Gotta catch 'em all

It's always been our dream.
Arm in arm, we'll win the fight.
There's no better team
Come with me, the time is right.

to claim my rightful place
I will battle every day
with courage I will face
Every challenge along the way

Gotta catch 'em all, yeah.
Gotta catch 'em all!
you teach me, and I'll teach you
our courage will pull us through
Oh, a heart so true
Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!
in a world we must defend.
Oh, you're my best friend
I know it's my destiny
it's you and me
Gotta catch 'em all

the power that's inside!
each Pokemon to understand
searching far and wide
I will travel across the land,

to train them is my cause
to catch them is my real test
Like no one ever was
I wanna be the very best.

Relevant Tags:
GGotta CCatch ''em AAll! otta atch em ll! oGtta aCtch e'm lAl! hotta fatch 'eem zll! hGotta fCatch 'm zAll! Ghotta Cfatch 'me Azll!
yotta xatch 'sm qll! yGotta xCatch 'sem qAll! Gyotta Cxatch 'esm Aqll! botta vatch '3m sll! bGotta vCatch '3em sAll! Gbotta Cvatch 'e3m Asll!
votta datch 'fm wll! vGotta dCatch 'fem wAll! Gvotta Cdatch 'efm Awll! fotta Caatch 'rm xll! fGotta Ctch 'rem xAll! Gfotta Ctach 'erm Axll!
totta Cztch '4m Alll! tGotta Czatch '4em Al! Gtotta Caztch 'e4m All! Gootta Cqtch 'dm Akl! Gtta Cqatch 'dem Akll! Gtota Caqtch 'edm Alkl!
Gktta Cstch 'wm Aol! Gkotta Csatch 'wem Aoll! Goktta Castch 'ewm Alol! G9tta Cwtch 'emm Apl! G9otta Cwatch 'e Apll! Go9tta Cawtch 'em Alpl!
G0tta Cxtch 'ej G0otta 'ejm Go0tta Caxtch 'emj Al!l Gltta Cattch 'ek Alk! Glotta Cach 'ekm Goltta Cacth 'emk Allk!
Gitta Cafch 'en Alo! Giotta Caftch 'enm Goitta Catfch 'emn Allo! Gottta Ca5ch Alp! Gota Ca5tch Gotta Cat5ch Allp!
Gofta Cahch All!! Goftta Cahtch All Gotfta Cathch Go5ta Caych Go5tta Caytch Got5ta Catych

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