Jason Mraz
Catch Up To You

I think you could teach me a thing or two about you
Well the first Iâ??ve learned is the proof
That youâ??re punctual
And from the state Iâ??m in itâ??s unusual to begin on time
The paradigm is you is you cause you will never come late
Believe it or not now lately Iâ??m learning a lot
By waking up early to the cell phone clock alarm goes off and Iâ??m off
And over to the coffee shop at the corner of my block
Where Iâ??m one cup and ready to go

And I know that thatâ??s cheatin but itâ??s probably a reason why I do
I wanna catch up to you,
Oh yea I better catch up, I wanna catch up
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna be there for you

Do you remember when we met beside the soda machine?
You were green in the eyes and still shining like you do all the time,
And I asked you why
Is it because of the cola that you lost control and your hands are cold
Youâ??re standing like a walk in the park

And sometimes I like a meanie but itâ??s probably reason why I do
I do, I wanna be just like you
So I gotta catch up, I gotta catch up
I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna be there for you

I wanna catch up to you
I got to get up with you
I wanna catch up to you
Iâ??ve got to catch up to you

When I say â??heeâ?, I say â??hoâ? baby b b baby b b baby donâ??t you go
When I say â??heeâ?, I say â??hoâ? baby b b baby b b baby donâ??t you go

I, I want to catch up
Iâ??ve got to catch up with you
Itâ??s what I what I wanna do oo

There you are
You are not that far
Yea I could be a gentleman
I could be a gentleman
If I could only catch up
To you
Yea I could be a gentleman, baby
Yea I could be a gentleman
If I, If I, could only catch up

Mirror lyrics:

If I, If I, could only catch up
Yea I could be a gentleman
Yea I could be a gentleman, baby
To you
If I could only catch up
I could be a gentleman
Yea I could be a gentleman
You are not that far
There you are

Itâ??s what I what I wanna do oo
Iâ??ve got to catch up with you
I, I want to catch up

When I say â??heeâ?, I say â??hoâ? baby b b baby b b baby donâ??t you go
When I say â??heeâ?, I say â??hoâ? baby b b baby b b baby donâ??t you go

Iâ??ve got to catch up to you
I wanna catch up to you
I got to get up with you
I wanna catch up to you

I, I wanna be there for you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I wanna catch up to you
So I gotta catch up, I gotta catch up
I do, I wanna be just like you
And sometimes I like a meanie but itâ??s probably reason why I do

Youâ??re standing like a walk in the park
Is it because of the cola that you lost control and your hands are cold
And I asked you why
You were green in the eyes and still shining like you do all the time,
Do you remember when we met beside the soda machine?

I, I wanna be there for you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
I, I wanna catch up to you
Oh yea I better catch up, I wanna catch up
I wanna catch up to you,
And I know that thatâ??s cheatin but itâ??s probably a reason why I do

Where Iâ??m one cup and ready to go
And over to the coffee shop at the corner of my block
By waking up early to the cell phone clock alarm goes off and Iâ??m off
Believe it or not now lately Iâ??m learning a lot
The paradigm is you is you cause you will never come late
And from the state Iâ??m in itâ??s unusual to begin on time
That youâ??re punctual
Well the first Iâ??ve learned is the proof
I think you could teach me a thing or two about you

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CCatch UUp TTo YYou atch p o ou aCtch pU oT oYu fatch hp fo gou fCatch hUp fTo gYou Cfatch Uhp Tfo Ygou xatch 7p 5o hou
xCatch 7Up 5To hYou Cxatch U7p T5o Yhou vatch kp ho 6ou vCatch kUp hTo 6You Cvatch Ukp Tho Y6ou datch ip yo uou dCatch iUp yTo uYou
Cdatch Uip Tyo Yuou Caatch 8p 6o 7ou Ctch 8Up 6To 7You Ctach U8p T6o Y7ou Cztch jp go jou Czatch jUp gTo jYou Caztch Ujp Tgo Yjou
Cqtch yp ro tou Cqatch yUp rTo tYou Caqtch Uyp Tro Ytou Cstch Upp Too Yoou Csatch U T Yu Castch Up To Yuo Cwtch U0 Tk Yku
Cwatch U0p Tko Ykou Cawtch Up0 Tok Yoku Cxtch Ul T9 Y9u Ulp T9o Y9ou Caxtch Upl To9 Yo9u Cattch Uo T0 Y0u Cach Uop T0o Y0ou
Cacth Upo To0 Yo0u Cafch Tl Ylu Caftch Tlo Ylou Catfch Tol Yolu Ca5ch Ti Yiu Ca5tch Tio Yiou Cat5ch Toi Yoiu
Cahch Youu Cahtch Yo Cathch You Caych Yoh

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