Jem And The Holograms
Running Like The Wind

You never dreamed how far it would go
You never thought to look ahead no no
You let it get out of hand babe
So look where it's led
So so look where it's led

So your running (running)
Running like the wind yeah your running (running)
Fear is in your eyes your running (running)
Running like the wind
When will you get wise?

(Running like the wind)
(Running like the wind)

It didn't have to end like this
We would have found another way somehow
If only you had turned to me
But I'm afriad
It's too late now
It's too late now

If your running (running)
Running like the wind yeah your running (running)
Everything looks black your running (running)
Running like the wind
But theres no turning back
Running like the wind yeah your running (running)
Everything looks black your running (running)
Running like the wind
Theres no turning back
Theres no turning back

Mirror lyrics:

Theres no turning back
Theres no turning back
Running like the wind
Everything looks black your running (running)
Running like the wind yeah your running (running)
But theres no turning back
Running like the wind
Everything looks black your running (running)
Running like the wind yeah your running (running)
If your running (running)

It's too late now
It's too late now
But I'm afriad
If only you had turned to me
We would have found another way somehow
It didn't have to end like this

(Running like the wind)
(Running like the wind)

When will you get wise?
Running like the wind
Fear is in your eyes your running (running)
Running like the wind yeah your running (running)
So your running (running)

So so look where it's led
So look where it's led
You let it get out of hand babe
You never thought to look ahead no no
You never dreamed how far it would go

Relevant Tags:
RRunning LLike TThe WWind unning ike he ind uRnning iLke hTe iWnd dunning kike fhe aind dRunning kLike fThe aWind Rdunning Lkike Tfhe Waind
4unning oike 5he 3ind 4Running oLike 5The 3Wind R4unning Loike T5he W3ind gunning pike hhe dind gRunning pLike hThe dWind Rgunning Lpike Thhe Wdind
tunning Liike yhe eind tRunning Lke yThe eWind Rtunning Lkie Tyhe Weind 5unning Ljke 6he sind 5Running Ljike 6The sWind R5unning Lijke T6he Wsind
funning L9ke ghe 2ind fRunning L9ike gThe 2Wind Rfunning Li9ke Tghe W2ind eunning Llke rhe qind eRunning Llike rThe qWind Reunning Lilke Trhe Wqind
Ruunning Loke Wiind Rnning Te Wnd Rnuning Lioke Teh Wnid Rhnning Lkke Tje Wjnd Rhunning Tjhe Wjind Ruhnning Likke Thje Wijnd
R7nning L8ke Tue W9nd R7unning L8ike Tuhe W9ind Ru7nning Li8ke Thue Wi9nd Rknning Luke Tne Wlnd Rkunning Luike Tnhe Wlind Ruknning Liuke Thne Wilnd
Rinning Tbe Wond Riunning Lie Tbhe Woind Ruinning Liek Thbe Wiond R8nning Lile Tge Wknd R8unning Wkind Ru8nning Likle Thge Wiknd
Rjnning Lioe Tye W8nd Rjunning W8ind Rujnning Likoe Thye Wi8nd Rynning Lime Thee Wund Ryunning Limke Th Wuind Ruynning Likme The Wiund
Runnning Lije Ths Winnd Runing Thse Wid Running Likje Thes Widn Rumning Liie Th3 Wimd Rumnning Th3e Wimnd Runmning Likie The3 Winmd
Ruhning Likee Thf Wihd Lik Thfe Wihnd Runhning Like Thef Winhd Rujning Liks Thr Wijd Likse Thre Runjning Likes Ther Winjd
Rubning Lik3 Th4 Wibd Rubnning Lik3e Th4e Wibnd Runbning Like3 The4 Winbd

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