Jeff's Trippin Out
Counting All The Cussings

if you do really need me
then why your eyes
glancing at the door
diverting your attention
thinking of the love that was
but is no more
and if it ever was
you was taking chances all along

just remember that i love ya
cause its a tough fact to ignore
I'm not counting all the cussings
just the times that you once swore
you wanted to be mine forever
but your forever didn't last that long
"I'm Tired of playing games"
quote the winner of the war

I'm Tired of being seen
says the woman i once saw
I wasn't even mean, not to her that i know of
and if i knew nothing about it, I'd plead the fifth anyhow
you need to get a grip
smoke some sense into you
cause i been holding it all together
without using any glue

just remember that i love ya
cause its a tough fact to ignore
I'm not counting all the cussings
just the times that you once swore
you wanted to be mine forever
but your forever didn't last that long
"I'm Tired of playing games"
quote the winner of the war

because I'm so high above you
i think I'll float round here a while
cause I'm so high, i love you
but my brain cant compute your file
your so hot, I'm Melting... into a spiral puddle...

hey! pick me up baby, dust the dirt on off of me
I've Picked You up before, So please don't do this to me
hey! pick me up baby, dust the dirt on off of me
I've Picked You up before, So please don't do this now to me...

just remember that i love ya
cause its a tough fact to ignore
I'm not counting all the cussings
just the times that you once swore
you wanted to be mine forever
but your forever didn't last that long
"I'm Tired of playing games"
quote the winner of the war...

Mirror lyrics:

quote the winner of the war...
"I'm Tired of playing games"
but your forever didn't last that long
you wanted to be mine forever
just the times that you once swore
I'm not counting all the cussings
cause its a tough fact to ignore
just remember that i love ya

I've Picked You up before, So please don't do this now to me...
hey! pick me up baby, dust the dirt on off of me
I've Picked You up before, So please don't do this to me
hey! pick me up baby, dust the dirt on off of me

your so hot, I'm Melting... into a spiral puddle...
but my brain cant compute your file
cause I'm so high, i love you
i think I'll float round here a while
because I'm so high above you

quote the winner of the war
"I'm Tired of playing games"
but your forever didn't last that long
you wanted to be mine forever
just the times that you once swore
I'm not counting all the cussings
cause its a tough fact to ignore
just remember that i love ya

without using any glue
cause i been holding it all together
smoke some sense into you
you need to get a grip
and if i knew nothing about it, I'd plead the fifth anyhow
I wasn't even mean, not to her that i know of
says the woman i once saw
I'm Tired of being seen

quote the winner of the war
"I'm Tired of playing games"
but your forever didn't last that long
you wanted to be mine forever
just the times that you once swore
I'm not counting all the cussings
cause its a tough fact to ignore
just remember that i love ya

you was taking chances all along
and if it ever was
but is no more
thinking of the love that was
diverting your attention
glancing at the door
then why your eyes
if you do really need me

Relevant Tags:
CCounting AAll TThe CCussings ounting ll he ussings oCunting lAl hTe uCssings founting zll fhe fussings fCounting zAll fThe fCussings
Cfounting Azll Tfhe Cfussings xounting qll 5he xussings xCounting qAll 5The xCussings Cxounting Aqll T5he Cxussings vounting sll hhe vussings
vCounting sAll hThe vCussings Cvounting Asll Thhe Cvussings dounting wll yhe dussings dCounting wAll yThe dCussings Cdounting Awll Tyhe Cdussings
Coounting xll 6he Cuussings Cunting xAll 6The Cssings Cuonting Axll T6he Csusings Ckunting Alll ghe Chssings Ckounting Al gThe Chussings
Cokunting All Tghe Cuhssings C9unting Akl rhe C7ssings C9ounting Akll rThe C7ussings Co9unting Alkl Trhe Cu7ssings C0unting Aol Ckssings
C0ounting Aoll Te Ckussings Co0unting Alol Teh Cukssings Clunting Apl Tje Cissings Clounting Apll Tjhe Ciussings Colunting Alpl Thje Cuissings
Ciunting Tue C8ssings Ciounting Tuhe C8ussings Coiunting Thue Cu8ssings Couunting Alk Tne Cjssings Conting Tnhe Cjussings
Conuting Allk Thne Cujssings Cohnting Alo Tbe Cyssings Cohunting Tbhe Cyussings Couhnting Allo Thbe Cuyssings Co7nting Alp Tge Cusssings
Co7unting Cusings Cou7nting Allp Thge Cussings Coknting Tye Cuzsings Cuzssings Couknting Thye Cuszsings
Cointing Thee Cuwsings Th Cuwssings Couinting The Cuswsings Co8nting Ths Cudsings Co8unting Thse Cudssings
Cou8nting Thes Cusdsings Cojnting Th3 Cuesings Cojunting Th3e Cuessings Coujnting The3 Cusesings Coynting Thf Cuxsings
Coyunting Thfe Cuxssings Couynting Thef Cusxsings Counnting Thr Cuasings Couting Thre Cuassings Coutning Ther Cusasings
Coumting Th4 Coumnting Th4e Counmting The4 Cusisngs Couhting Thd Cuszings Thde
Counhting Thed Cusszings Coujting Thw Cuswings Thwe Counjting Thew Cusswings Coubting Cusdings
Coubnting Counbting Cussdings Countting Cuseings Couning Counitng Cusseings

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