Jeffries Fan Club
I'm Not The Type

Thinking of her brings to mind
The thought that it took too long and it wasn't right
I tried to tell her slow
I tried to tell her softly
But she didn't want to hear she didn't want to care anymore
Maybe you should know
I'm not the type, you can't hold me down for long
I'm not the type
I'm not the type, all the things that I've done wrong
I'm not the type
Every night was the same
She only wanted to be with me
But I think I'm too young much too young to be that way
When will I learn
I don't think I ever will
No matter what I try it never turns out right anyway
Maybe you should know
I got so tired of lies
I couldn't look into her eyes
So I kept it all inside
It ate me up alive everyday
I tried to tell her slow
I tried to tell her softly
But she didn't want to hear
She didn't want to care anymore
Maybe you should know

Mirror lyrics:

Maybe you should know
She didn't want to care anymore
But she didn't want to hear
I tried to tell her softly
I tried to tell her slow
It ate me up alive everyday
So I kept it all inside
I couldn't look into her eyes
I got so tired of lies
Maybe you should know
No matter what I try it never turns out right anyway
I don't think I ever will
When will I learn
But I think I'm too young much too young to be that way
She only wanted to be with me
Every night was the same
I'm not the type
I'm not the type, all the things that I've done wrong
I'm not the type
I'm not the type, you can't hold me down for long
Maybe you should know
But she didn't want to hear she didn't want to care anymore
I tried to tell her softly
I tried to tell her slow
The thought that it took too long and it wasn't right
Thinking of her brings to mind

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot TThe TType 'm ot he ype 'Im oNt hTe yTpe j'm mot fhe fype jI'm mNot fThe fType Ij'm Nmot Tfhe Tfype 9'm hot 5he 5ype
9I'm hNot 5The 5Type I9'm Nhot T5he T5ype l'm jot hhe hype lI'm jNot hThe hType Il'm Njot Thhe Thype o'm bot yhe yype oI'm bNot yThe yType
Io'm Nbot Tyhe Tyype k'm Noot 6he 6ype kI'm Nt 6The 6Type Ik'm Nto T6he T6ype 8'm Nkt ghe gype 8I'm Nkot gThe gType I8'm Nokt Tghe Tgype
u'm N9t rhe rype uI'm N9ot rThe rType Iu'm No9t Trhe Trype I''m N0t Im N0ot Te Tpe Im' No0t Teh Tpye I'mm Nlt Tje Tgpe
I' Nlot Tjhe I'm Nolt Thje Tygpe I'j Nit Tue Thpe I'jm Niot Tuhe I'mj Noit Thue Tyhpe I'k Nott Tne T6pe I'km No Tnhe
I'mk Not Thne Ty6pe I'n Nof Tbe Tupe I'nm Noft Tbhe Tuype I'mn Notf Thbe Tyupe No5 Tge T7pe

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