Jennifer Paige
Somewhere, Someday

When clouds roll above you start to pour
And all of your doubts rage like a storm
And you don't know who you are anymore
Let me help you find what you been searching for

Somewhere there's a field and a river
You can let your soul run free
Someday le me be the giver
Let me bring you peace
Somewhere there's a break in the weather
Where your heart and spirit go free
Someday it'll be for the better
Let me bring you peace

I know you think no one sees
The weight on your shoulders
But you can't fool me
And aren't you tired of standing so tall
Let me be the one to catch you when you fall


Let me bring you joy, let me bring you peace
Take the tears that you cry, trust them to me
Let me give you heart, and hope
Be the one constant love that you've never known

Mirror lyrics:

Be the one constant love that you've never known
Let me give you heart, and hope
Take the tears that you cry, trust them to me
Let me bring you joy, let me bring you peace


Let me be the one to catch you when you fall
And aren't you tired of standing so tall
But you can't fool me
The weight on your shoulders
I know you think no one sees

Let me bring you peace
Someday it'll be for the better
Where your heart and spirit go free
Somewhere there's a break in the weather
Let me bring you peace
Someday le me be the giver
You can let your soul run free
Somewhere there's a field and a river

Let me help you find what you been searching for
And you don't know who you are anymore
And all of your doubts rage like a storm
When clouds roll above you start to pour

Relevant Tags:
SSomewhere, SSomeday omewhere, omeday oSmewhere, oSmeday zomewhere, zomeday zSomewhere, zSomeday Szomewhere, Szomeday
womewhere, womeday wSomewhere, wSomeday Swomewhere, Swomeday domewhere, domeday dSomewhere, dSomeday Sdomewhere, Sdomeday
eomewhere, eomeday eSomewhere, eSomeday Seomewhere, Seomeday xomewhere, xomeday xSomewhere, xSomeday Sxomewhere, Sxomeday
aomewhere, aomeday aSomewhere, aSomeday Saomewhere, Saomeday Soomewhere, Soomeday Smewhere, Smeday Smoewhere, Smoeday
Skmewhere, Skmeday Skomewhere, Skomeday Sokmewhere, Sokmeday S9mewhere, S9meday S9omewhere, S9omeday So9mewhere, So9meday
S0mewhere, S0meday S0omewhere, S0omeday So0mewhere, So0meday Slmewhere, Slmeday Slomewhere, Slomeday Solmewhere, Solmeday
Simewhere, Simeday Siomewhere, Siomeday Soimewhere, Soimeday Sommewhere, Sommeday Soewhere, Soeday Soemwhere, Soemday
Sojewhere, Sojeday Sojmewhere, Sojmeday Somjewhere, Somjeday Sokewhere, Sokeday Somkewhere, Somkeday Sonewhere, Soneday
Sonmewhere, Sonmeday Somnewhere, Somneday Someewhere, Someeday Somwhere, Somday Somwehere, Somdeay Somswhere, Somsday
Somsewhere, Somseday Someswhere, Somesday Som3where, Som3day Som3ewhere, Som3eday Some3where, Some3day Somfwhere, Somfday
Somfewhere, Somfeday Somefwhere, Somefday Somrwhere, Somrday Somrewhere, Somreday Somerwhere, Somerday Som4where, Som4day
Som4ewhere, Som4eday Some4where, Some4day Somdwhere, Somdday Somdewhere, Somdeday Somedwhere, Somedday Somwwhere, Somwday
Somwewhere, Somweday Somewwhere, Somewday Somehere, Someay Somehwere, Someady Someahere, Somexay Someawhere, Somexday
Somewahere, Somedxay Some3here, Someeay Somew3here, Somedeay Somedhere, Somefay Somewdhere, Somedfay Someehere, Someray
Somewehere, Somedray

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