Jennifer Onesto
Here In The Darkness

Had a dream again somebody help me
Take his image from my mind
'Cause someone safe sleeps next to me
But it's another face that's all I see
It's a face that I remember I should never have set free

'Cause here in the darkness is where I am running
Here in the darkness is where I belong
Here in the darkness I find all my comfort
Here in the darkness is where my lover's from

My mind goes out while I'm sleeping
Takes me to a place that I don't belong
It takes me from life's simple charms
To another who all I did was harm
It's a wanting and an aching
For what might have been

Darkness come take me
Don't let him wake me
Darkness don't leave me alone
And I know he's waiting
Yes I know he's waiting
I just know he's waiting
I just shut my eyes shut my eyes

It's been years now since I've seen him
I did not leave it in the best of ways
So what's this that keeps haunting me
I hear he's happy as can be
Maybe I know he's happy,
'Cause he's happy without me

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause he's happy without me
Maybe I know he's happy,
I hear he's happy as can be
So what's this that keeps haunting me
I did not leave it in the best of ways
It's been years now since I've seen him

I just shut my eyes shut my eyes
I just know he's waiting
Yes I know he's waiting
And I know he's waiting
Darkness don't leave me alone
Don't let him wake me
Darkness come take me

For what might have been
It's a wanting and an aching
To another who all I did was harm
It takes me from life's simple charms
Takes me to a place that I don't belong
My mind goes out while I'm sleeping

Here in the darkness is where my lover's from
Here in the darkness I find all my comfort
Here in the darkness is where I belong
'Cause here in the darkness is where I am running

It's a face that I remember I should never have set free
But it's another face that's all I see
'Cause someone safe sleeps next to me
Take his image from my mind
Had a dream again somebody help me

Relevant Tags:
HHere IIn TThe DDarkness ere n he arkness eHre nI hTe aDrkness jere jn fhe xarkness jHere jIn fThe xDarkness Hjere Ijn Tfhe Dxarkness
uere 9n 5he earkness uHere 9In 5The eDarkness Huere I9n T5he Dearkness nere ln hhe farkness nHere lIn hThe fDarkness Hnere Iln Thhe Dfarkness
bere on yhe rarkness bHere oIn yThe rDarkness Hbere Ion Tyhe Drarkness gere kn 6he carkness gHere kIn 6The cDarkness Hgere Ikn T6he Dcarkness
yere 8n ghe sarkness yHere 8In gThe sDarkness Hyere I8n Tghe Dsarkness Heere un rhe Daarkness Hre uIn rThe Drkness Hree Iun Trhe Drakness
Hsre Inn Dzrkness Hsere I Te Dzarkness Hesre In Teh Dazrkness H3re Im Tje Dqrkness H3ere Imn Tjhe Dqarkness He3re Inm Thje Daqrkness
Hfre Ih Tue Dsrkness Hfere Ihn Tuhe Hefre Inh Thue Dasrkness Hrre Ij Tne Dwrkness Hrere Tnhe Dwarkness Herre Inj Thne Dawrkness
H4re Ib Tbe Dxrkness H4ere Ibn Tbhe He4re Inb Thbe Daxrkness Hdre Tge Darrkness Hdere Dakness Hedre Thge Dakrness
Hwre Tye Dadkness Hwere Dadrkness Hewre Thye Dardkness Thee Da4kness Hee Th Da4rkness Heer The Dar4kness
Hede Ths Dagkness Thse Dagrkness Herde Thes Dargkness He4e Th3 Datkness Th3e Datrkness Her4e The3 Dartkness
Hege Thf Da5kness Hegre Thfe Da5rkness Herge Thef Dar5kness Hete Thr Dafkness Hetre Thre Dafrkness Herte Ther Darfkness
He5e Th4 Daekness He5re Th4e Daerkness Her5e The4 Darekness Hefe Thd Darkkness Thde Darness Herfe Thed Darnkess
Heee Thw Darlness Thwe Darlkness Heree Thew Darklness Daroness Her Darokness Here Darkoness
Hers Darmness

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