Jennifer Love Hewitt
Avenue Of The Stars

Yo Yo Yo! Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody got a dream.

Standin' on the star of Marilyn Monroe,
I've got a dream and a map of some stars homes.
Down on the boulavard all the kids look like me.
Faith in my pocket and my Saturdays free,
No time for all my insecurities.
But, nobody knows,
The fight inside I will never show.


I've got a backpack filled with what I own.
Everybody's watin' for me to come home.
She didn't make it, she didn't take it so far,
On avenue of the stars.

I made a deal with God that I will win.
If I don't make it in a year,
I will pack it in.
I just wanna be anywhere but where I've been.
With all of your doubts,
I'm not gonna let you count me out.

I've got a backpack filled with what I own.
Everybody's waitin' for me to come home.
She didn't make it, she didn't take it so far.
I've got nobody but I'm not alone.
One world of dreamers that will never go home.
We may not make it, we're gonna take it so far.
On avenue of the stars.

There is no way I'm backin' out.
I'll find an angel here somehow.
If it's good or bad, it's my town.

Never gonna go home.
Never gonna go home.

She didn't make it, she didn't take it so far.
On avenue of the stars.

I've got nobody but I'm not alone.
One world of dreamers that will never go home.
We may not make it, we're gonna take it so far.
On avenue of the stars.

On the avenue of the stars.

What nobody knows,
I'm gonna take it so far.

She's gonna make it,
She's never gonna make it.

A world full of dreamers that will never go home.

I'm gonna make it this year on my own.


She didnt make it,
I've got a dream and a map of some stars homes.

Mirror lyrics:

I've got a dream and a map of some stars homes.
She didnt make it,


I'm gonna make it this year on my own.

A world full of dreamers that will never go home.

She's never gonna make it.
She's gonna make it,

I'm gonna take it so far.
What nobody knows,

On the avenue of the stars.

On avenue of the stars.
We may not make it, we're gonna take it so far.
One world of dreamers that will never go home.
I've got nobody but I'm not alone.

On avenue of the stars.
She didn't make it, she didn't take it so far.

Never gonna go home.
Never gonna go home.

If it's good or bad, it's my town.
I'll find an angel here somehow.
There is no way I'm backin' out.

On avenue of the stars.
We may not make it, we're gonna take it so far.
One world of dreamers that will never go home.
I've got nobody but I'm not alone.
She didn't make it, she didn't take it so far.
Everybody's waitin' for me to come home.
I've got a backpack filled with what I own.

I'm not gonna let you count me out.
With all of your doubts,
I just wanna be anywhere but where I've been.
I will pack it in.
If I don't make it in a year,
I made a deal with God that I will win.

On avenue of the stars.
She didn't make it, she didn't take it so far,
Everybody's watin' for me to come home.
I've got a backpack filled with what I own.


The fight inside I will never show.
But, nobody knows,
No time for all my insecurities.
Faith in my pocket and my Saturdays free,
Down on the boulavard all the kids look like me.
I've got a dream and a map of some stars homes.
Standin' on the star of Marilyn Monroe,

Yo Yo Yo! Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody got a dream.

Relevant Tags:
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Acenue Or Sfars Acvenue Orf Te Sftars Avcenue Ofr Teh Stfars Agenue Og Tje S5ars Agvenue Ogf Tjhe S5tars Avgenue Ofg Thje St5ars
Afenue Ot Tue Shars Afvenue Otf Tuhe Shtars Avfenue Oft Thue Sthars Aveenue Ov Tne Syars Avnue Ovf Tnhe Sytars Avneue Ofv Thne Styars
Avsnue Od Tbe S6ars Avsenue Odf Tbhe S6tars Avesnue Ofd Thbe St6ars Av3nue Tge Sgars Av3enue Sgtars Ave3nue Thge Stgars
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Av4nue Ths Stzrs Av4enue Thse Stzars Ave4nue Thes Stazrs Avdnue Th3 Stqrs Avdenue Th3e Stqars Avednue The3 Staqrs
Avwnue Thf Stsrs Avwenue Thfe Stsars Avewnue Thef Stasrs Avennue Thr Stwrs Aveue Thre Stwars

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