Jasmine Guy
This Is Me

this is me

you said to me
you'll stand by me each day
you say this is me
but each other day i chance
isn't that right
babe i can tell you i always try my best
i never judge other people
cause this is me

i do whatever i chose
babe please understand
please believe in me
do you know that i try everyday ?
cause this is me
this is who i am babe

i love life because whatever i like doing
i am good at babe this is me what i get is amazing
what i learn is wonderful exspenceing
oh babe this is me ( let me do what i chose
dont go being overprotected cause i'm just me
let me learn more about myself babe

this is me you know that
you know all i wish is to a have a friend who'll stand by my side everyday
babe babe everyday seems like eachother day
i'm growing up
n i'm loving it i am younge but i also learn alot from that to oo

Mirror lyrics:

n i'm loving it i am younge but i also learn alot from that to oo
i'm growing up
babe babe everyday seems like eachother day
you know all i wish is to a have a friend who'll stand by my side everyday
this is me you know that

let me learn more about myself babe
dont go being overprotected cause i'm just me
oh babe this is me ( let me do what i chose
what i learn is wonderful exspenceing
i am good at babe this is me what i get is amazing
i love life because whatever i like doing

this is who i am babe
cause this is me
do you know that i try everyday ?
please believe in me
babe please understand
i do whatever i chose

cause this is me
i never judge other people
babe i can tell you i always try my best
isn't that right
but each other day i chance
you say this is me
you'll stand by me each day
you said to me

this is me

Relevant Tags:
TThis IIs MMe his s e hTis sI eM fhis js je fThis jIs jMe Tfhis Ijs Mje 5his 9s ke 5This 9Is kMe T5his I9s Mke hhis ls ne hThis lIs nMe
Thhis Ils Mne yhis os Mee yThis oIs M Tyhis Ios Me 6his ks Ms 6This kIs Mse T6his Iks Mes ghis 8s M3 gThis 8Is M3e Tghis I8s Me3 rhis us Mf
rThis uIs Mfe Trhis Ius Mef Iss Mr Tis I Mre Tihs Is Mer Tjis Iz M4 Tjhis Izs M4e Thjis Isz Me4 Tuis Iw Md Tuhis Iws Mde Thuis Isw Med
Tnis Id Mw Tnhis Ids Mwe Thnis Isd Mew Tbis Ie Tbhis Ies Thbis Ise Tgis Ix Ixs Thgis Isx Tyis Ia

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