Jasmine Guy
Nobody Listened

nobody listened
when i was crying
they thought i was
cause i was upset about something
but truly i was upset about there not listening

nobody listens to me
nobody wants me around
not a single emotions instink insides
says they really do

i just imagine they don't
is it me is it them
nothing on this earth is so so precious
i mean mum dad that's it

nothing is on my mind that's importent
feel free to escape the fear but
you go through it no matter what
you can't run from life
you stuck in this life
you here with me

no one listens to me
nobody listens to me
nobody understood
nobody watched me and loved my performence
oh this is not really a true story
but it's all in my mind
i know nobody listens

Mirror lyrics:

i know nobody listens
but it's all in my mind
oh this is not really a true story
nobody watched me and loved my performence
nobody understood
nobody listens to me
no one listens to me

you here with me
you stuck in this life
you can't run from life
you go through it no matter what
feel free to escape the fear but
nothing is on my mind that's importent

i mean mum dad that's it
nothing on this earth is so so precious
is it me is it them
i just imagine they don't

says they really do
not a single emotions instink insides
nobody wants me around
nobody listens to me

but truly i was upset about there not listening
cause i was upset about something
they thought i was
when i was crying
nobody listened

Relevant Tags:
NNobody LListened obody istened oNbody iLstened mobody kistened mNobody kListened Nmobody Lkistened hobody oistened
hNobody oListened Nhobody Loistened jobody pistened jNobody pListened Njobody Lpistened bobody Liistened bNobody Lstened
Nbobody Lsitened Noobody Ljstened Nbody Ljistened Nboody Lijstened Nkbody L9stened Nkobody L9istened Nokbody Li9stened
N9body Llstened N9obody Llistened No9body Lilstened N0body Lostened N0obody No0body Liostened Nlbody Lkstened
Nlobody Nolbody Likstened Nibody L8stened Niobody L8istened Noibody Li8stened Nobbody Lustened Noody Luistened
Noobdy Liustened Novody Lisstened Novbody Litened Nobvody Litsened Nogody Liztened Nogbody Lizstened Nobgody Lisztened
Nonody Liwtened Nonbody Liwstened Nobnody Liswtened Nohody Lidtened Nohbody Lidstened Nobhody Lisdtened Noboody Lietened
Nobdy Liestened Nobdoy Lisetened Nobkdy Lixtened Nobkody Lixstened Nobokdy Lisxtened Nob9dy Liatened Nob9ody Liastened
Nobo9dy Lisatened Nob0dy Listtened Nob0ody Lisened Nobo0dy Lisetned Nobldy Lisfened Noblody Lisftened Noboldy Listfened
Nobidy Lis5ened Nobiody Lis5tened Noboidy List5ened Noboddy Lishened Noboy Lishtened Noboyd Listhened Noboxy Lisyened
Noboxdy Lisytened Nobodxy Listyened Noboey Lis6ened Noboedy Lis6tened Nobodey List6ened Nobofy Lisgened Nobofdy Lisgtened
Nobodfy Listgened

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