Jay Jay Johanson
I Guess I'm Just A Fool

I guess I'm just a fool
Still dreaming of you
But the way the story ended
What else can I do ?

You said I was too good to you
Too good and too sweet
Back then you never turned
Bitter and discreet

Breaking up is always hard
But this one was harder than the rest
But in the end I hope I'll come out well

I guess I'm just a fool
What else can I do ?

Mirror lyrics:

What else can I do ?
I guess I'm just a fool

But in the end I hope I'll come out well
But this one was harder than the rest
Breaking up is always hard

Bitter and discreet
Back then you never turned
Too good and too sweet
You said I was too good to you

What else can I do ?
But the way the story ended
Still dreaming of you
I guess I'm just a fool

Relevant Tags:
II GGuess II'm JJust AA FFool uess 'm ust ool I uGess 'Im uJst A oFol j huess j'm kust z cool jI hGuess jI'm kJust zA cFool Ij Ghuess Ij'm Jkust Az Fcool
9 yuess 9'm iust q rool 9I yGuess 9I'm iJust qA rFool I9 Gyuess I9'm Jiust Aq Frool l buess l'm must s gool lI bGuess lI'm mJust sA gFool Il Gbuess Il'm Jmust As Fgool
o vuess o'm nust w tool oI vGuess oI'm nJust wA tFool Io Gvuess Io'm Jnust Aw Ftool k fuess k'm hust x vool kI fGuess kI'm hJust xA vFool Ik Gfuess Ik'm Jhust Ax Fvool
8 tuess 8'm uust dool 8I tGuess 8I'm uJust dFool I8 Gtuess I8'm Juust Fdool u Guuess u'm Foool uI Gess uI'm Jst Fol Iu Geuss Iu'm Jsut Fool
Ghess I''m Jhst Fkol Im Fkool Guhess Im' Juhst Fokol G7ess I'mm J7st F9ol G7uess I' J7ust F9ool Gu7ess I'm Ju7st Fo9ol
Gkess I'j Jkst F0ol Gkuess I'jm F0ool Gukess I'mj Jukst Fo0ol Giess I'k Jist Flol Giuess I'km Flool Guiess I'mk Juist Folol
G8ess I'n J8st Fiol G8uess I'nm J8ust Fiool Gu8ess I'mn Ju8st Foiol Gjess Jjst Gjuess Jjust Gujess Jujst Folo
Gyess Jyst Fokl Jyust Guyess Juyst Fookl Gueess Jusst Fo9l Guss Jut Guses Juts Foo9l

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