Jay Jay Johanson
She's Mine But I'm Not Hers

There was a time when I was playing rough
But nowadays I take it sort of cool
Why do I feel this way
I don't wanna be alone
She's mine but I'm not hers

Everytime we meet it's wonderful
And though she only loves me as a friend
I always want to see her
But I hate to say goodbye
She's mine but I'm not hers

She's mine, she's mine
She's mine but I'm not hers

Now and then I meet her and her man
I must admit I used to like him too
But see them walk together
It just makes me wanna cry
She's mine but I'm not hers

They always keep their TV on at night
So no one in the house can hear them fight
But I've seen the bruices
And I know about the scars
She's mine but I'm not hers

She's mine, she's mine
She's mine but I'm not hers

Mirror lyrics:

She's mine but I'm not hers
She's mine, she's mine

She's mine but I'm not hers
And I know about the scars
But I've seen the bruices
So no one in the house can hear them fight
They always keep their TV on at night

She's mine but I'm not hers
It just makes me wanna cry
But see them walk together
I must admit I used to like him too
Now and then I meet her and her man

She's mine but I'm not hers
She's mine, she's mine

She's mine but I'm not hers
But I hate to say goodbye
I always want to see her
And though she only loves me as a friend
Everytime we meet it's wonderful

She's mine but I'm not hers
I don't wanna be alone
Why do I feel this way
But nowadays I take it sort of cool
There was a time when I was playing rough

Relevant Tags:
SShe's MMine BBut II'm NNot HHers he's ine ut 'm ot ers hSe's iMne uBt 'Im oNt eHrs zhe's jine vut j'm mot jers zShe's jMine vBut jI'm mNot jHers
Szhe's Mjine Bvut Ij'm Nmot Hjers whe's kine gut 9'm hot uers wShe's kMine gBut 9I'm hNot uHers Swhe's Mkine Bgut I9'm Nhot Huers dhe's nine nut l'm jot ners
dShe's nMine nBut lI'm jNot nHers Sdhe's Mnine Bnut Il'm Njot Hners ehe's Miine hut o'm bot bers eShe's Mne hBut oI'm bNot bHers Sehe's Mnie Bhut Io'm Nbot Hbers
xhe's Mjne Buut k'm Noot gers xShe's Bt kI'm Nt gHers Sxhe's Mijne Btu Ik'm Nto Hgers ahe's M9ne Bht 8'm Nkt yers aShe's M9ine 8I'm Nkot yHers
Sahe's Mi9ne Buht I8'm Nokt Hyers Shhe's Mlne B7t u'm N9t Heers Se's Mline B7ut uI'm N9ot Hrs Seh's Milne Bu7t Iu'm No9t Hres Sje's Mone Bkt I''m N0t Hsrs
Sjhe's Moine Bkut Im N0ot Hsers Shje's Mione Bukt Im' No0t Hesrs Sue's Mkne Bit I'mm Nlt H3rs Suhe's Biut I' Nlot H3ers Shue's Mikne Buit I'm Nolt He3rs
Sne's M8ne B8t I'j Nit Hfrs Snhe's M8ine B8ut I'jm Niot Hfers Shne's Mi8ne Bu8t I'mj Noit Hefrs Sbe's Mune Bjt I'k Nott Hrrs Sbhe's Muine Bjut I'km No Hrers
Shbe's Miune Bujt I'mk Not Herrs Sge's Minne Byt I'n Nof H4rs Sghe's Mie Byut I'nm Noft H4ers Shge's Mien Buyt I'mn Notf He4rs Sye's Mime Butt No5 Hdrs
Syhe's Mimne Bu No5t Hders Shye's Minme But Not5 Hedrs Shee's Mihe Buf Noh Hwrs Sh's Mihne Buft Noht Hwers Sh'es Minhe Butf Noth Hewrs

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