
Well, they stood prepared as you took the chair
There was no need to satisfy you
I'll be damned though I held your hand
They felt a need to crucify you.

You're going down baby, baby
You're going down baby, baby

You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head

You're a fragile flower in its final hour
With no chance to taste the waters
Judge declared , "You'll get fifteen years"
Join the lonely sons and daughters."

You're going down baby, baby
You're going down baby, baby

You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head

Smoke and mirrors couldn't hide your tears
Your eyes only betray you
Long trip , you lost your grip
We've all been praying for you.

You're going down baby, baby
You're going down baby, baby

You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head

Mirror lyrics:

You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head

You're going down baby, baby
You're going down baby, baby

We've all been praying for you.
Long trip , you lost your grip
Your eyes only betray you
Smoke and mirrors couldn't hide your tears

You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head

You're going down baby, baby
You're going down baby, baby

Join the lonely sons and daughters."
Judge declared , "You'll get fifteen years"
With no chance to taste the waters
You're a fragile flower in its final hour

You're in a tailspin, running out of your head
You're in a tailspin, running out of your head

You're going down baby, baby
You're going down baby, baby

They felt a need to crucify you.
I'll be damned though I held your hand
There was no need to satisfy you
Well, they stood prepared as you took the chair

Relevant Tags:
TTailspin ailspin aTilspin failspin fTailspin Tfailspin 5ailspin 5Tailspin T5ailspin hailspin hTailspin
Thailspin yailspin yTailspin Tyailspin 6ailspin 6Tailspin T6ailspin gailspin gTailspin Tgailspin railspin
rTailspin Trailspin Taailspin Tilspin Tialspin Tzilspin Tzailspin Tazilspin Tqilspin Tqailspin Taqilspin
Tsilspin Tsailspin Tasilspin Twilspin Twailspin Tawilspin Txilspin Txailspin Taxilspin Taiilspin Talspin
Talispin Tajlspin Tajilspin Taijlspin Ta9lspin Ta9ilspin Tai9lspin Tallspin Talilspin Taillspin Taolspin
Taoilspin Taiolspin Taklspin Takilspin Taiklspin Ta8lspin Ta8ilspin Tai8lspin Taulspin Tauilspin Taiulspin
Taispin Taislpin Taikspin Tailkspin

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