Sound Of Lies

It's a matter of time, 'til I fall in the middle of the town

There stands a tall brick wall in the middle of a dream

Time plays in between

The sound of lies rings funny against the truth

When I was young, outspoken mama said, "It'll work out right"

Then sixteen brought a moody star mama said, "It'll work out right"

Mama said, "It'll work out right"

Boulevards and green leaves blowing

It's a matter of time, 'til I fall in the middle of the town

There stands a tall brick wall in the middle of a dream

Time plays in between

The sound of lies rings funny against the truth

It's a matter of time, 'til I fall in the middle of town

There stands a tall brick wall in the middle of a dream

Time plays in between

The sound of lies rings funny against the truth

Mirror lyrics:

The sound of lies rings funny against the truth

Time plays in between

There stands a tall brick wall in the middle of a dream

It's a matter of time, 'til I fall in the middle of town

The sound of lies rings funny against the truth

Time plays in between

There stands a tall brick wall in the middle of a dream

It's a matter of time, 'til I fall in the middle of the town

Boulevards and green leaves blowing

Mama said, "It'll work out right"

Then sixteen brought a moody star mama said, "It'll work out right"

When I was young, outspoken mama said, "It'll work out right"

The sound of lies rings funny against the truth

Time plays in between

There stands a tall brick wall in the middle of a dream

It's a matter of time, 'til I fall in the middle of the town

Relevant Tags:
SSound OOf LLies ound f ies oSund fO iLes zound kf kies zSound kOf kLies Szound Okf Lkies wound 9f oies wSound 9Of oLies Swound O9f Loies
dound 0f pies dSound 0Of pLies Sdound O0f Lpies eound lf Liies eSound lOf Les Seound Olf Leis xound if Ljes xSound iOf Ljies Sxound Oif Lijes
aound Off L9es aSound O L9ies Saound Of Li9es Soound Oc Lles Sund Ocf Llies Suond Ofc Liles Skund Or Loes Skound Orf Sokund Ofr Lioes
S9und Og Lkes S9ound Ogf So9und Ofg Likes S0und Ot L8es S0ound Otf L8ies So0und Oft Li8es Slund Ov Lues Slound Ovf Luies Solund Ofv Liues
Siund Od Liees Siound Odf Lis Soiund Ofd Lise Souund Liss Sond Lises Sonud Liess Sohnd Li3s Sohund Li3es Souhnd Lie3s
So7nd Lifs So7und Lifes Sou7nd Liefs

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