Keith & Quentin

Quentin taught me how to fish
And how to hold the gun
Said that what you're hunting down
Is everything you love
Folks run fast, so does life
And that's the way it seems
Candles burn down to the table

Keith never talked to much
But smiled, blue eyes gold
There must be a story
Behind every fool you know
Words get lost in the haze
What most people think
Darling, work for no mans dreams

Now, all the old widows

Carry love poems by their side
Oooooh, most of that's from knowing
Keith and quentin

When quentin found the snowed-in motel blues inside his cup
He took a gun downstairs
Never did come back
It was only springtime
One year and another 'til fall
Sometimes in the night I cry



Mirror lyrics:



Sometimes in the night I cry
One year and another 'til fall
It was only springtime
Never did come back
He took a gun downstairs
When quentin found the snowed-in motel blues inside his cup

Keith and quentin
Oooooh, most of that's from knowing
Carry love poems by their side

Now, all the old widows

Darling, work for no mans dreams
What most people think
Words get lost in the haze
Behind every fool you know
There must be a story
But smiled, blue eyes gold
Keith never talked to much

Candles burn down to the table
And that's the way it seems
Folks run fast, so does life
Is everything you love
Said that what you're hunting down
And how to hold the gun
Quentin taught me how to fish

Relevant Tags:
KKeith && QQuentin eith uentin eKith & uQentin leith auentin lKeith aQuentin Kleith Qauentin oeith 2uentin
oKeith 2Quentin Koeith Q2uentin meith wuentin mKeith wQuentin Kmeith Qwuentin jeith suentin jKeith sQuentin
Kjeith Qsuentin ieith 1uentin iKeith 1Quentin Kieith Q1uentin Keeith Quuentin Kith Qentin Kieth Qeuntin
Ksith Qhentin Kseith Qhuentin Kesith Quhentin K3ith Q7entin K3eith Q7uentin Ke3ith Qu7entin Kfith Qkentin
Kfeith Qkuentin Kefith Qukentin Krith Qientin Kreith Qiuentin Kerith Quientin K4ith Q8entin K4eith Q8uentin
Ke4ith Qu8entin Kdith Qjentin Kdeith Qjuentin Kedith Qujentin Kwith Qyentin Kweith Qyuentin Kewith Quyentin
Keiith Queentin Keth Quntin Ketih Qunetin Kejth Qusntin Kejith Qusentin Keijth Quesntin Ke9th Qu3ntin
Ke9ith Qu3entin Kei9th Que3ntin Kelth Qufntin Kelith Qufentin Keilth Quefntin Keoth Qurntin Keoith Qurentin
Keioth Querntin Kekth Qu4ntin Kekith Qu4entin Keikth Que4ntin Ke8th Qudntin Ke8ith Qudentin Kei8th Quedntin
Keuth Quwntin Keuith Quwentin Keiuth Quewntin Keitth Quenntin Keih Quetin Keiht Quetnin Keifh Quemtin
Keifth Quemntin

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