Jay Chou
Love Before The Century

The ancient King of Babylon passed the Hammurabi code of laws

It was carved on black diorite 3700 years ago

You stand before the display, looking intently at the carvings

I stand aside, quietly admiring your face, which I deeply adore

Verse 2
Offerings, alter, war, bow & arrow, whose past do they belong to?

I love how you belong only to me in the midst of this crowd

We pass the Sumerian Goddess

And I wish in the name of the Goddess

My missing goes on like the Tigris River

When what is left of the Ancient Civilization is but an illegible language

The myth becomes a never-ending poem

My love for you has been written before this Century

And it has been buried in the flatlands of Mesopotamia

Uncovered after many centuries

We find the wordings to be still clear & intelligible

My love for you has been written before this century

And it has been buried in the flatlands of Mesopotamia

The promise of forever carved in cuneiform

The promise that has been eroded for thousands of years,
will be re-enacted now

*Repeat Verse 1
*Repeat Chorus

I feel exhausted, I am far away from home

I am afraid that I will never be by your side again

*Repeat Chorus

Love Before the Century

Love Before the Century

Mirror lyrics:

Love Before the Century

Love Before the Century

*Repeat Chorus

I am afraid that I will never be by your side again

I feel exhausted, I am far away from home

*Repeat Chorus
*Repeat Verse 1

will be re-enacted now
The promise that has been eroded for thousands of years,

The promise of forever carved in cuneiform

And it has been buried in the flatlands of Mesopotamia

My love for you has been written before this century

We find the wordings to be still clear & intelligible

Uncovered after many centuries

And it has been buried in the flatlands of Mesopotamia

My love for you has been written before this Century

The myth becomes a never-ending poem

When what is left of the Ancient Civilization is but an illegible language

My missing goes on like the Tigris River

And I wish in the name of the Goddess

We pass the Sumerian Goddess

I love how you belong only to me in the midst of this crowd

Offerings, alter, war, bow & arrow, whose past do they belong to?
Verse 2

I stand aside, quietly admiring your face, which I deeply adore

You stand before the display, looking intently at the carvings

It was carved on black diorite 3700 years ago

The ancient King of Babylon passed the Hammurabi code of laws

Relevant Tags:
LLove BBefore TThe CCentury ove efore he entury oLve eBfore hTe eCntury kove vefore fhe fentury kLove vBefore fThe fCentury Lkove Bvefore Tfhe Cfentury
oove gefore 5he xentury oLove gBefore 5The xCentury Loove Bgefore T5he Cxentury pove nefore hhe ventury pLove nBefore hThe vCentury Lpove Bnefore Thhe Cventury
hefore yhe dentury Lve hBefore yThe dCentury Lvoe Bhefore Tyhe Cdentury Lkve Beefore 6he Ceentury Bfore 6The Cntury Lokve Bfeore T6he Cnetury
L9ve Bsfore ghe Csntury L9ove Bsefore gThe Csentury Lo9ve Besfore Tghe Cesntury L0ve B3fore rhe C3ntury L0ove B3efore rThe C3entury Lo0ve Be3fore Trhe Ce3ntury
Llve Bffore Cfntury Llove Bfefore Te Lolve Beffore Teh Cefntury Live Brfore Tje Crntury Liove Brefore Tjhe Crentury Loive Berfore Thje Cerntury
Lovve B4fore Tue C4ntury Loe B4efore Tuhe C4entury Loev Be4fore Thue Ce4ntury Lobe Bdfore Tne Cdntury Lobve Bdefore Tnhe Lovbe Bedfore Thne Cedntury
Loce Bwfore Tbe Cwntury Locve Bwefore Tbhe Cwentury Lovce Bewfore Thbe Cewntury Loge Tge Cenntury Logve Beore Cetury Lovge Beofre Thge Cetnury
Lofe Becore Tye Cemtury Lofve Becfore Cemntury Lovfe Befcore Thye Cenmtury Lovee Berore Thee Cehtury Lov Th Cehntury Love Befrore The Cenhtury
Lovs Begore Ths Cejtury Lovse Begfore Thse Cejntury Loves Befgore Thes Cenjtury Lov3 Betore Th3 Cebtury Lov3e Betfore Th3e Cebntury Love3 Beftore The3 Cenbtury
Lovf Bevore Thf Centtury Bevfore Thfe Cenury Lovef Befvore Thef Cenutry Lovr Bedore Thr Cenfury Lovre Thre Cenftury Lover Befdore Ther Centfury
Lov4 Befoore Th4 Cen5ury Lov4e Befre Th4e Cen5tury Love4 Befroe The4 Cent5ury Lovd Befkre Thd Cenhury Lovde Befkore Thde Loved Befokre Thed Centhury
Lovw Bef9re Thw Cenyury Lovwe Bef9ore Thwe Cenytury Lovew Befo9re Thew Centyury Bef0re Cen6ury Bef0ore Cen6tury Befo0re Cent6ury

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