Jackson Browne
Your Bright Baby Blues

I'm sitting down by the highway
Down by that highway side
Everybody's going somewhere
Riding just as fast as they can ride
I guess they've got a lot to do
Before they can rest assured
Their lives are justified
Pray to God for me baby
He can let me slide

'Cause I've been up and down this highway
Far as my eyes can see
No matter how fast I run
I can never seem to get away from me
No matter where I am
I can't help feeling I'm just a day away
From where I want to be
Now I'm running home baby
Like a river to the sea

Baby if you can see me
Out across this wilderness
There's just one thing
I was hoping you might guess
Baby you can free me
All in the power of your sweet tenderness

I can see it in your eyes
You've got those bright baby blues
You don't see what you've got to gain
But you don't like to lose
You watch yourself from the sidelines
Like your life is a game you don't mind playing
To keep yourself amused
I don't mean to be cruel baby
But you're looking confused

Baby if you can hear me
Turn down your radio
There's just one thing
I want you to know
When you've been near me
I've felt the love stirring in my soul

It's so hard to come by
That feeling of peace
This friend of mine said
"Close your eyes, and try a few of these"
I thought I was flying like a bird
So far above my sorrow
But when I looked down
I was standing on my knees
Now I need someone to help me
Someone to help me please

Baby if you need me
Like I know I need you
There's just one thing
I'll ask you to do
Take my hand and lead me
To the hole in your garden wall
And pull me through

Mirror lyrics:

And pull me through
To the hole in your garden wall
Take my hand and lead me
I'll ask you to do
There's just one thing
Like I know I need you
Baby if you need me

Someone to help me please
Now I need someone to help me
I was standing on my knees
But when I looked down
So far above my sorrow
I thought I was flying like a bird
"Close your eyes, and try a few of these"
This friend of mine said
That feeling of peace
It's so hard to come by

I've felt the love stirring in my soul
When you've been near me
I want you to know
There's just one thing
Turn down your radio
Baby if you can hear me

But you're looking confused
I don't mean to be cruel baby
To keep yourself amused
Like your life is a game you don't mind playing
You watch yourself from the sidelines
But you don't like to lose
You don't see what you've got to gain
You've got those bright baby blues
I can see it in your eyes

All in the power of your sweet tenderness
Baby you can free me
I was hoping you might guess
There's just one thing
Out across this wilderness
Baby if you can see me

Like a river to the sea
Now I'm running home baby
From where I want to be
I can't help feeling I'm just a day away
No matter where I am
I can never seem to get away from me
No matter how fast I run
Far as my eyes can see
'Cause I've been up and down this highway

He can let me slide
Pray to God for me baby
Their lives are justified
Before they can rest assured
I guess they've got a lot to do
Riding just as fast as they can ride
Everybody's going somewhere
Down by that highway side
I'm sitting down by the highway

Relevant Tags:
YYour BBright BBaby BBlues our right aby lues oYur rBight aBby lBues gour vright vaby vlues gYour vBright vBaby vBlues Ygour Bvright Bvaby Bvlues
hour gright gaby glues hYour gBright gBaby gBlues Yhour Bgright Bgaby Bglues 6our nright naby nlues 6Your nBright nBaby nBlues Y6our Bnright Bnaby Bnlues
uour hright haby hlues uYour hBright hBaby hBlues Yuour Bhright Bhaby Bhlues 7our Brright Baaby Bllues 7Your Bight Bby Bues Y7our Birght Bbay Bules
jour Bdight Bzby Bkues jYour Bdright Bzaby Bklues Yjour Brdight Bazby Blkues tour B4ight Bqby Boues tYour B4right Bqaby Bolues Ytour Br4ight Baqby Bloues
Yoour Bgight Bsby Bpues Yur Bsaby Bplues Yuor Brgight Basby Blpues Ykur Btight Bwby Bluues Ykour Btright Bwaby Bles Yokur Brtight Bawby Bleus
Y9ur B5ight Bxby Blhes Y9our B5right Bxaby Blhues Yo9ur Br5ight Baxby Bluhes Y0ur Bfight Babby Bl7es Y0our Bfright Bay Bl7ues Yo0ur Brfight Bayb Blu7es
Ylur Beight Bavy Blkes Ylour Beright Bavby Yolur Breight Babvy Blukes Yiur Briight Bagy Blies Yiour Brght Bagby Bliues Yoiur Brgiht Babgy Bluies
Youur Brjght Bany Bl8es Yor Brjight Banby Bl8ues Yoru Brijght Babny Blu8es Yohr Br9ght Bahy Bljes Yohur Br9ight Bahby Bljues Youhr Bri9ght Babhy Blujes
Yo7r Brlght Babyy Blyes Yo7ur Brlight Bab Blyues You7r Brilght Baby Bluyes Yokr Broght Babg Bluees Broight Blus Youkr Brioght Babyg Bluse
Yoir Brkght Babh Bluss Brkight Bluses Youir Brikght Babyh Bluess Yo8r Br8ght Bab6 Blu3s Yo8ur Br8ight Bab6y Blu3es You8r Bri8ght Baby6 Blue3s
Yojr Brught Babu Blufs

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